Chapter 1

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I will never understand what possess teenage girls to wake up at five in the morning to do their hair and makeup, and to pick out an outfit that looks cute but is extremely uncomfortable.

Take me for example, it's my first day of senior year I have fifteen minutes to get to school on time and all I'm doing is a normal morning routine with a quick swipe of mascara and wearing my pajama pants and a t-shirt.

See how simple that was? Why do I or anybody else for that matter need to dress to impress.

Hell I'm impressed I got ready in six minutes with time to spare for a bowl of cereal before I need to leave.



Well shit, I'm late what else is new? That's what happens when you sit down for five minutes to eat and watch the end of one episode of Criminal Minds.

So here I am run- ok I'm not running I'm not a huge cardio person so I'm briskly walking to get to my first block.

At least nobody is in the hall so we don't have to make that weird eye contact thing where we both realize we're late but don't say anything and then awkwardly keep walking.


Ugh math class the worst class to ever exist if I fail high school this class will be the reason why.

Mr. Beckett, I had him freshman year... let's just say he's not a fan of me. I wouldn't say he hates my guts per say just my mouth.

To be blunt I'm a smartass with lots of attitude and he's a middle aged grump who hasn't gotten any since he was in high school.

I should just skip... he's going to be all up in my face about being late and quite frankly I'm not in the mood.

Then again I did just walk up all those stairs..... *sigh* let's get this over with.

"Oh look who decided to grace us with her presence today, Welcome Dakota."

Sarcastic asshole much?

"It's Kota, sorry you know how much I hate being late.... but I'm just so good at it."

I gave a sweet smile while old stick in the mud just gave me a blank look and rolled his eyes.

"Just go sit next to Mr. Hayes, as I was saying before I was inter-"

Yeah nobody cares let's just drown that out, while we still have our ears.

Well,well, well if isn't our very own cocky cliche star football player, Holden Hayes.

With his feet in my seat, I don't think so, I kept a calm exposure while he kept a smirk on his face.

Clearly he doesn't know who he's dealing with.

Let's see how long it lasts. I gave him a fake smile that slowly transformed into a smirk, two can play this game I'll just play it better and win.

I walked behind him to get to my seat but before I actually got to my seat I pulled his chair back causing the oh so cocky Holden to fall out of his chair and land on the floor with a thud.

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