Chapter 4

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I don't think I've ever been mad about it being Friday before.

I just want to go home and stay home and not have to see Holden or any other living human.... besides the pizza delivery guy.

But no I have to go to the football game tonight to cheer on Jonah and Noah. Which would have been fine. But guess who else plays football.

Holden Hayes.

And he's been driving me crazy since Wednesday asking if I was coming to 'his' game.

I'm obviously going but not for him, but Holden just can't seem to get that though that thick skull of his.

I'm currently in English, attempting to read The Great Gatsby. This time it's not entirely  Holden's fault, that I can't focus.

I just don't get it, there's too much symbolism and too much detail and I can't keep my thoughts straight.

Maybe I'll just take a nap, Ms. Miller is too busy texting her boyfriend to care anyway, so why should I?


"Pssst, sunshine."

I swear he had a radar, every time I'm about to rest or have a moment to myself h-

"Sunshine, I know you can hear me."

I sighed knowing I couldn't get out of this without a head ache; and against my better judgment I decided to respond to him.

"And you can clearly see me ignoring you but that's not stopping you from continuing to talk."

"That is a fair point sunshine, but I'm bored so entertain me."

I'm sorry what? Entertain him? What do I look like a circus performer?

Don't answer that. It's rhetorical.

"You know I'm convinced that you're naturally blonde and you've dyed your hair one too many times and it's getting to your brain."

Holden gasped and placed his hand on his chest pretending to be wounded.

"Sunshine, I can not believe that you think this came out of a box."

He gestured to his hair, ruffling his hands through it. Not going to lie that was hot, what? No snap out of it Kota he's not hot he's annoying... and ho- no stop focus.

"Oh I know your brain didn't come out of a box, and if it did you might want to return it because I think it's broken."

"Huh, so is that how it's gonna be now Sunshine."

What? This kid makes no sense at all.

"What does that even me-"

Before I could get the words out Holden had picked me up once again, and was walking out the door of the class room.

He has a serious problem with picking me up, I'm convinced he can't go a day without doing it.

Was nobody seeing this? Hello person getting kidnapped here.

"Holden put me down this instant, I'm not playing these childish games with you."

"No can do sunshine."

"Holden I swear t-"

"You shouldn't swear, it's not very lady like."

"And when have you ever known me to be a fucking lady?"

He was quiet for a moment, but sadly all good thing must come to an end.

"Now that you mention it you're right, and I wouldn't want you any other way."

"What was that last part you muttered?"


"Mr. Hayes, I must ask you to put down Miss. Taylor."

Thank you someone finally noticed I was getting kidnapped, took long enough.

Oh he is so going to get it, our vice principal Mr. Simmons was a real ass.

"Thank you, and as punishment for skipping class I will see both of you after the game to pick up the football stadium."

"See what happens when yo- wait both of us? I was the one kidnapped against my will you can't do th-"

"That's enough Miss. Taylor see you tonight."

He has to be joking, well then again I've never known Mr. Simmons to joke so I guess he was serious.

Like I said, "Ass."

"What was that Miss. Taylor?"

"Oh-Uh nothing we were just going back to class."

I grabbed Holden's hand and dragged him back to English, and the annoying jerk laughed his ass off the entire way back to English class.

"What is so funny Holden? Please do share, so I might also laugh."

I'm one hundred percent sure I'm not going to laugh... at all.

"Nothing it's just y-you should have seen your face both times, priceless." He managed to get out through laughs.

The nerve of this guy. He got us in this mess, and he doesn't even care.

"Well jokes on you, because you're stuck after the game cleaning up trash too."

He smirked and stepped closer to me, "Is the joke really on me though? Just more time I can grace you with my presence."

All I could do was stand there like a deer caught in the headlights.




He was right and I hated it, the joke really was on me.

He leaned down close to my ear whispering again, "Come on sunshine don't want to miss anymore English do we?"

And then he walked away, leaving me frustrated and flustered once again.

This really needs to stop. He needs to stop and I need to stop letting it affect me. I'm better than this.

I composed myself and walked back into English to see his smug face, he knew exactly what he did.

Oh how I wish I could wipe that smug look right off his face.

Oh and my oh so lovely teacher still hasn't looked up from her phone. If this building was on fire I'm certain she would die because she's so oblivious to the outside world.

I sat back down in my chair with a sigh and put my head back down.

This is going to be a very long day. I haven't had enough sleep or caffeine for this shit.

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Word count: 976

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