Chapter 8

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I don't know why but I had the desire to be around Kota all the time. Truth be told I didn't even know I was going to her house until I was already there ringing the door bell.

Especially after last night, something changed and I was determined to find out what it was.

To say she was mad when I woke her up was an understatement. Note to self don't disturb Kota's sleep.

She just fascinates me, I've never met someone who gave me a run for my money, she has a comeback for everything, and I do mean everything.

Sure she had her flaws she likes crinkle cut fries and pizza crust but not everyone can be perfect.

I dropped her back home over an hour ago, to say I was going out of my mind was understatement.

I don't think I've ever been so bored.

Truth be told I missed her. I missed her rolling her eyes at me, and not taking any of my shit and just being herself.

Not to mention she had to be one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. With her long dirty blonde hair, and her eyes I swear there was a forest in there somewhere they were so green.

Not to mention she's completely herself and doesn't care what anyone else says or thinks. I think that's what I like about her most.

Before I knew it I was back in my car on the way to her house. I'll just tell her I forgot something this morning, and then find an excuse to stay.

She'll by that right? Probably not this is Kota we're talking about.

As I rounded the corner it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I like Kota.

Holy sh-

I pulled into her driveway to I sight I wasn't expecting, she was half way out the door arguing with some guy.

But was surprised me the most was the cold dead look she had in her eyes.

Her usual playful annoyance was gone, there was no emotion in her eyes they just looked dead.

As I got closer I could here more of the conversation.

"Come on swee-"

"No, you have no right to call me that now leave."

"Come on Dakota I just want to tal-"

And then I had, had enough she was clearly getting more upset by the second and that asshole wouldn't leave.

"I could be wrong but I'm pretty damn sure she said to leave so how about you leave before I make you leave."

We finally locked eyes and I saw relief in her eyes, I gave her back a small smile.

"And who are you?"

"I'm her boyfriend so how about you get in your car a leave."

I don't know why I said it, I just did but it was enough to make him leave. Plus Kota's face was priceless.

"Fine I see how it is you don't need my anymor-"

And then she snapped, and all the emotion in her eyes was replaced by pure anger.

"ANYMORE?? I NEVER fucking need you, not when I was 5 when you left and certainly not now."

The man nodded his head and left, she went back into the house and left the door open for me.


We had been sitting in Kota's living room for the past 30 minutes in complete silence. It wasn't awkward though.

"Hey Holden, thanks for uh get- ya know...."

"Yeah anytime, you want to talk about it?"

I had never seen Kota so vulnerable; that was never a word I associated with Kota. She was still undoubtably strong.

"Well I guess you already saw... I can't really lie. So umm that was my dad he left when I was five and this is the first I've seen him since. Not much else to tell."

Come to think of it I've never heard Kota talk about her parents and her car is the only one I've ever in the driveway.

"I'm sorry, you deserve so much better than that."

What man leaves his kid like that, and then just shows up like everything is fine. I can't even begin to imagine how Kota feels.

"Eh, it's ok I don't really care anymore I just can't believe he had the audacity to show up here and act like nothing ever even happened."

At this point she was pacing the living room, and shaking her head. It would have been cute if circumstances were different.

"Hey Kota if you don't mind me asking, where's your mom."

She froze,shit I probably shouldn't have asked, I'm an idiot.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have ask-"

"No it's fine, she works all the time, pays the bills, sends me money, and never comes home. She can't stand being in this house and I'm pretty sure she hates the sight of me because I'm a reminder of her failed marriage."

I got up and walked across the room and engulfed her in a hug, I didn't think she was going to hug me back but eventually she did.

We stood there for I don't know how long, I can't believe she's in this house all the time by herself.

"Hey sunshine, do you want to go get some Chinese take out? And then we could rent a movie or something?"

"That's sounds great, I guess getting food is kind of our thing now huh?"

"I guess so."

I couldn't help but smile, our thing. I liked the sound of that.

No more words were spoken about her family, but I had a better understanding of who Dakota Taylor was.

And weather she liked it or not she was going to be seeing a lot more of me.

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Word count: 969

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