Chapter 2

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All I wanted was an hour away from him was that too much to ask?

I even think I would've been fine had he not gotten in my personal space and stolen one of my fries.

Anyway one thing led to another and now Holden is on the ground again, except this time the entire student body saw it.

Oh and Jonah got it all on video.

Currently I'm laughing my ass off, seeing his face the second time around today is five times funnier than the first time around.

I might not have to workout tonight because I'm getting quite the ab work out now.

I sobered up and looked at Jonah who had an unreadable expression on his face before I could ask him what was wrong, I was floating in the air.

Ok, ok not actually floating but I was being carried out of the cafeteria by this asshole.

"I swear if you don't put me down right now Hold-"

"What are you going to do push me out of my chair again?"

Fine we can do this the hard way, I let my body relax so he'd think I gave up and it worked because he loosened his grip a little.

I can't deny the fact he has some muscles because I'm not lighI'm not super skinny, I'm kinda curvy and I work out...when I can so I'm a good 180 pounds if not more. I don't think I'm fat but I almost feel bad for his shoulder.

Key word here almost.

Not the point focus Kota, stop thinking about his muscles.

I turned around and pinched his ear.

"What the fuck?"

"Yeah I agree what the fuck, now put me down."

He let out a big sigh, but complied nonetheless.

"Now was that so hard? To answer my own question no it wasn't, now if you'll excuse me I have fries calling my name"

Now look, I can admit that I'm kinda crazy... well kinda might be an understatement... anyways not the point.

The point is he was looking at me like I had a third arm, when he's the one who carried me out of the cafeteria like a..... like a caveman!

I should have known to walk faster because the next thing I knew my wrist was grabbed and I was turned back around.

"Now sunshine don't I get to say something? I mean after all you did make me fall on the ground twice today and that wasn't very nice now was it?"

"Guess you shouldn't have put your feet in my chair and stolen my fries, I take my personal space and my food very seriously."

I tried to jerk out of his hold but Holden being Holden didn't let go.

"Can you let the fuck go? I want to go eat my fucking fries."

"No can do sunshine, can't risk anyone else falling on the floor today you're kind of a danger to society."

Fine two can play this game.

"What if I give you a kiss and make it all better? Then can I go back to my fries?"

As much as Holden tried to hide it he was flustered but he hid it well with his smirk.

It All Started With a Kiss Where stories live. Discover now