Chapter 5

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"You know I really do think you're over dramatizing this entire thing Sun- I mean Kota."

"Jonah, I'm about five seconds from punching you, and you did not just almost call me sunshine because if you did I will personally kill you and get away with it."

"Chill I was totally kidding and we all know you're only mad because I did it and not Holden."

The truth was and I'd never admit it, I was a little pissed that he tried to call me sunshine and not Holden.

"Men. You're all insufferable, and who's side are you on anyway? You're my best friend."

"And as you're best friend it's my job you to call you out on your shit when you're being a drama queen."

"Says the Queen of drama queens."

"I resent tha-"

"Would you two knock it off , sheesh we have to go Jonah and we'll see you tonight Kota when we pick you up for the game."

Jonah reluctantly followed his brother to their car but not before childishly sticking his tongue out at me.

So naturally I flipped him off.

I was unlocking my car when Jonah ran across the parking lot and being super dramatic about it, going as far to fake slow motion.

Sometimes I worry for him but then I remember I'm just as much of an idiot as he is.

"I almost forgot my jersey, and don't worry it's clean this time."

"Thanks Jonah and yeah I like articles of clothing I wear to be clean so thanks even though that shouldn't have to be said, but anyway peace out loser."

I always wear Jonah's jersey number and Andy wears Noah's, which works out well so that I don't have to get a special jersey made with both of their number on it.

Hm, Jonah must have gotten a new clone, smells a lot better than his old one.




I wish they could be annoying really I do, oh wait they are annoying very annoying.

So I fell asleep and forgot I had a football game to go tonight so I'm rushing to put on some leggings and put my hair in a ponytail and slip on some shoes.

I ran out of the house in my bra because I had to stop by my car to get Jonah's jersey for tonight.

Don't freak out it's just a bra. It's not that deep.

"For a girl who puts zero effort into how she looks you sure take a long time to get ready."

"Noah be practical she was sleeping, in fact is that drool I see? Dreaming about Holden?"

Why am I friends with them again? Oh yeah because they live next door and drive me places when I don't feel like driving. And I guess I love them.

I hit them both on the head with my shoes that weren't on my feet yet. Earning me a victorious.

"Owwwww Kota."

From both of the idiots in the front seat. And silence the entire ride because both boys were pouting like three year olds.


"Sunshine, glad to see you made it."


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