Chapter 7

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*ding dong*

*ding dong*

Are you shitting me? A little sleep is all I ask for especially after last night.


"Hold up, hold up, hold the phone just a minute sunshine, you can't seriously think that crinkle cut sweet potato fries are better than straight ones?"

"Well obviously, they taste way better than straight ones, I mean I always thought you were crazy now I know for a fact you ar-"

Holden Fucking Hayes just threw Fucking salt on me. What the hell??

"What the actual fuck Holden?"

"Sorry had to make sure you weren't a demon or something."

"Seriously?? And it's holy water no- you know what never mind."

"Sorry sunshine you're either with me or against me."

"Well clearly I'm against you, Drama Quee-"

"Aw, I just love, young love you guys make the perfect couple."

It was only when the older lady that had taken our order said that did I realize I was in-fact literally against him, I don't even know when we got this close.

I do know how fast we jumped apart from each other though.

And thus began a long night of extremely awkward silence.

*End Flashback*

All I want to do is sleep, that's all... is that right much to ask fo-

*ding dong*

*ding dong*

Apparently so. This better be life or death situation.

*ding do-"

"What? What could someone possibly need at 7:30 in the damn morning?"

"Well hello to you too sunshine, and I must sa- holy shit it's the walking dead."

You have got to be shitting me? Why? Why me? What have I don't to deserve this?

"Holy shit Holden, guess what?"

I put on my best I'm shocked face,


"You used to look terrible now you just look like shit."

And with that I slammed the door and walked back up stairs to go and to sleep.

The only flaw to this plan was I forgot to lock the door in my sleepy haze, and not even three minutes later Holden was in my room.

Doing his best to get me out of bed, let's just say he was failing miserably.

Eventually he gave up, realizing he wasn't getting me out of bed anytime soon.

He laid down on my couch and dozed off himself. Thank you lord now I can finally sleep.


"Care to tell me why you so rudely woke Me from my sleep and showed up at my house, at 7:30 in the morning before the chickens were even awake?

After Holden and I had woke up for the day we had ventured down stairs to my living room to watch T.V. I'm not too sure what's on I haven't really been paying attention I'm still half asleep.

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