Chapter 9

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"Would you knock it off already Holden? You're seriously pushing my buttons."

"What? I'm perfectly innocent, and just between you and me I rather enjoy pushing your buttons sunshine."

"Ugh, you ar-wait why are you even here? Don't you have your own house to go to? Some other girl to terrorize?"

"Hmmm, nope I don't think so, you're stuck with me sunshine."

"Holden I just want you to know you are completely insufferable."

All he did was let out a laugh.... a rather long laugh. This guy.

Let me back up, after our last class today Holden insisted that he was starving and we needed to go get food.

I know shocking right? Holden, hungry? Never.

After lots of persuasion and a promise from Holden that he would drive and get me Dr. Pepper I agreed.

We were about to sit down when some little kid spilled Mountain Dew all over me... so we decided it was best to come back to my house and eat.

That was three hours ago. And Holden was still here. It's after eight. 

Oh and this little 'routine' we have going on has been going on for like a month and I'm still not sure how I feel.

"Ok but honestly I'm bored what should would do?"

"You? Bored? I would have never guessed."

"You know me so well."

"Unfortunately, but to keep murder from being put on my permanent record why don't we-"

"Get food? Yes I agree let's g-"

"No, not food you've eaten like four times today. I was going to say we should go to a party tonight."

He laughed, just sat there and laughed at me.

"What exactly is so funny?"

"I'm sorry sunshine but you at a party? I can't picture it, and you can never have too much food."

"I happen to party quite often, thank you very much. And yes you can you're going to get fat."

I looked him up and down for affect.

"That's cold sunshine really cold."

Ignore the fact I only party when Jonah drags me out. But I'm bored too and I don't want to go to jail.... no Disney plus in jail.

"Holden I'm serious I want to go out, this could be a once in a life time opportunity I wouldn't pass it up if I were you because I won't offer again."

"You're serious about this?"

"Yes, but I'm not wearing jeans."

"Honestly? I expect nothing less. But I'm driving, you did just threaten to murder me."

"It wasn't a threat it was a promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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