golden slumbers fill your eyes (smiles awake you when you rise)

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Requested by SunflowerPoppy

(Like endgame happened but that scene doesn't happen) 

"You really didn't need to do this for me, Mister Stark... But, um, thank you," Peter blurts over the radio.

Tony rolls his eyes and glances over at Peter in passenger seat of the car.

"We've been on the road for ten hours, kiddo. It would be kinda stupid to turn back now," he says. "Plus, I really don't mind. I'm a little biased with which school you pick, but CalTech isn't that much worse than MIT."

Peter grins, lifting his socked feet to rest on the dash. He abandoned his shoes the moment he got into the car for the road trip.

May had been the one to suggest it after finding out all of his classmates had already been looking around campuses recently. She couldn't take him because she couldn't take the time off work. Plus, they didn't have the money for gas and their car is pretty awful, it wouldn't make it all the way across the country. It would probably strand them on the side of a highway.

As soon as May had brought it up, Tony was totally onboard with going on a road trip with his kid.

"You hungry yet?" Tony asks, parental instincts constantly filling his head. He used to think he'd never be a good father and yet, here he is. Not biologically, but they've been through so much together it's hard to think of him as anything other than his kid.

"It's only been two hours since we had lunch."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Peter flushes, not wanting to admit that he is hungry. Stupid metabolism.

But Tony just laughs. "I'll pull off on the next exit and we'll stockpile on some junk food and water. I could use some coffee anyway."

"Thanks, Mister Stark!" Peter chirps, connecting his phone to the Bluetooth speakers to play his own playlist for the next stretch of highway.


"You excited, kid?" Tony asks. They've been driving in mostly silence other than some quiet banter and playing stupid car games like I Spy and the alphabet game.

They've left highway driving for backroads on the way to the motel they're staying at. Tony wanted to do 5-star hotels for the road trip, but Peter said that the motels are half the fun.

"Crazy excited!" Peter exclaims. He's curled up in passenger seat, already feeling pretty exhausted. Not that he doesn't love driving all day with Tony, he just hasn't slept well in a few nights. He's been trying to get as much patrol in as possible since he'll be gone for about a week while looking at Uni campuses.

"I can't believe there's only a year until I'll be starting Uni..." he murmurs. In all honesty, he's terrified. He doesn't want to let go of May and Tony and Queens. It's his home.

"I can hear you thinking, kid. Spit it out," Tony says, glancing over when he slows down at a stop sign.

"I'm just worried," Peter admits. "If I get into CalTech, I'll have to make this drive by myself every time I want to come home... It's just scary. I don't feel like I'm ready to just leave."

Tony sighs softly, reaching out to tousle Peter's hair fondly. "If you decide you hate it, you're always welcome to take a year off schooling and hang out as my personal intern. But you're going to love University, Peter. I promise you that. It's scary but it's fun and you'll learn and teacher's will finally see your potential."

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