26: Fight

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Desiree Sanders

T: Missing you... hope I can take you out tomorrow if you aren't still avoiding me by then.

Me: Not avoiding you, just don't want my voice to scare you off. That's all.

T: Even if you sounded like Elmo, I'd still be interested 😉 but I understand. When you need soup just give me a ring. I got you.

To be honest with you, this flu was something else. Normally, I'd be able to push through it but with my body being weak, it wasn't working for me. I wanted to be at school wanted to flaunt my new potential relationship and even gloat a little, but... unfortunately, I was stuck in bed for the last two days, with a cold compress on my head and an overflow of honey lemon tea in my system. My voice was basically gone and once again, I was losing the little bit of weight that I wanted so badly to hold onto. What a waste of the days I could've been using on something beneficial.

"How you feeling, kid?" my brother stepped into my room and I turned my head slowly to get a look at him. "You look horrible."

"I feel horrible."

"Oh yuck, you sound it too." Gio opened up my room door and I noticed Jeremiah standing in the hallway, he had his phone in his hand but his eyes were on me. "Dad's off to work and grams is off to Bingo. I gotta meet up with Gabby for her break, so Jeremiah is here if you need him. In fact, he's pretty sick himself so you guys can be flu buddies."

I rolled my eyes immediately, "he can go home." I said, turning back to stare up at the wall. "Especially if he's sick."

"Unfortunately, he can't. Unless you're willing to talk to mom, she's in her room."

"I'm fine Gio, I can easily get the things I need on my own. I'm getting better."

"Getting, not there yet."

"I'm fine, trust me. You can go and be sure to take him with you..."

"Okay so like I was saying. Jeremiah is going to be in the living room, just give him a shout when you need something."

"I'll be sure to spend my day fasting." I flashed him a fake grin. "Enjoy your day."

"You as well." He turned around then dapped up Jeremiah. "Her medication is on by the microwave, tea is in the cupboard as you know, she may not want to eat anything but she's gotta drink some soup at least in order to take her medication."

"Got it." his voice was just as hoarse as mine and he coughed a cough so vicious. If anyone needed to be in quarantine, he was him.

Gio shut my door and I used my elbow to hoist myself up, then took my time and threw my legs over the side of my bed. I adjusted my shorts before raising to my feet. The room spun for a little bit, but soon my vision returned to normal. I grabbed the t-shirt from the chair it hung on, pulling it over my sports bra before I took up my phone.

I dialed Amber's number and put the phone up against my ear while I went to shut my door completely, lock included.

"Hey girl, I was just about to call you... boy oh boy do I have n-."

"Before you spell some tea."

"Ooof, that voice. Sounds like you're getting worse."

"I know, but thankfully. I'm feeling much better."

"Happy to hear boo, maybe you'll be back at school by Monday."

"Fingers, crossed." I sighed, "but yes, I was wondering if you'd be able to come by... my parents for some reason think I need a babysitter and Jeremiah just always happens to be the person of choice."

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