Chapter 11: Karma

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The next day in class my stomach was hurting, maybe I went a little overboard when I ate those red bean buns.

I asked Mr. Ito to go to the bathroom so many times. Tadao asked me if I was okay but Im really not.

This is what I get for talking about him yesterday.

"Need to use the bathroom again?" He asked

"S-Shut up! It's not funny!"

Tadao laughed and I saw Miyako turn around to look at me.

"Do you need to call home?" She asked

"N-No, I can stay here-"

All of a sudden she placed her hand on my forehead. I could feel my face burning up.

"I think you have a fever, or maybe it's just a bad stomach." Miyako said

"Ah, no I just-."

Mr. Ito went out to get our assignments because he forgot again.

"I was meaning to ask you but... Do you know who your real parents are?" She asked.

Wow I haven't even thought about them in awhile.

"I know my real father was arrested for selling drugs and my real mother couldn't afford to take care of me anymore so she left." I explained

"I'm surprised you remember that whole story." Tadao said

How could I forget? My dad sold drugs and my mom just left!

"Yeah, I'm actually surprised myself.."

I felt Miyako place her hands on my cheeks and then she looked into my eyes

"Im so sorry, but at least you have a good family right now!"

She was actually looking at me straight directly in my eyes. For the first time, I actually looked back at into her eyes. She was so... so sweet.

"Y-Yeah." I stuttered

She smiled and took her hands off my cheeks.

"Hehe." Tadao said in the background

Listen, if he wants to be Michael Jackson so bad couldn't he just tell me already?!

"You okay?" Miyako asked

I wasn't even listening.

Mr. Ito came back into the room with our assignments.

"Sorry everyone, I had to go order my papers then print them out for you all." Mr. Ito explained

"About time." Ai said

My stomach began to hurt again so I made a weird face and Tadao looked at me laughing.

"Stop it!" I yelled

Mr. Ito came over to me.

"Need to use the bathroom?" He asked

Was Mr. Ito mocking me or something?

"Hiroki? Yes or no?" He asked again

Did I need to use the bathroom?


I stood up

"Hiro?!" Tadao said

Of course I had to use it!

"Yes sir!" I yelled

I ran out the class. It was definitely karma and the red bean buns

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