Chapter 17: Hang over?

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It was Friday! My favorite day of the week. We all know why because after Fridays it's the weekend!

"Tomorrow I'm coming to your house to play video games!" Tadao said

"Alright, I look forward to it Tadao." I replied with

Miyako came over and sat down in front of me.

"Do you uh... Have a phone..? If so... Can I have your number...?" She asked slowly.

Oh no. I found myself blushing so I placed my head down on the desk. I tried to calm down.

"Sure.." I mumbled

I sat back up hoping my face wasn't red.

I gave her my phone number and she entered my number in her phone. I could see Tadao grinning weirdly.

"Thanks Hiroki." She said

"Y-Yeah." I said

"Hey Miyako you should come with me to Hiroki's house tomorrow to play games!" Tadao suggested

Tadao you Idiot! A girl coming to my house?! In my room?! The only place she could sit it either on my bed or on the floor!

"Sure if Hiroki doesn't mind me coming over." She said

She looked at me. I'm sorry Miyako but I have to say no...

"Yeah you can come over if you want." I said

Crap! I didn't say no! I said yes I'm an Idiot!!!

"I knew it." Sam said

I felt some hot breath on my neck like boiling water hot!

"Dudeeee." I said looking at Sam

"He breathes fire!!" Tadao said

"I do." Sam said with courage

"That's deadly do not kill us Sam." He said

Sam started to laugh then he walked off.

Random people just interrupt our conversations! It's so... Frustrating

Miyako brushed her hand through my hair

"You made a silly face you know." She said

I did? I don't remember... But whatever

"I didn't know I did" I said

I couldn't stop looking into her eyes. They were a very pretty color.

If I have a nosebleed I'm gonna cry. What is going on with me.

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