Chapter 14: Drama

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Next day.

I was in class and I heard some people talking about Miyako. Like seriously what did she ever do? People need to leave her alone.

"You hear that?" Tadao asked

"Yeah.." I mumbled.

Miyako came in class and everyone looked at her.

"H-Hey?" She stuttered

"Ugh she's in class now." Yuno said

"Isn't she dating Hiroki? She makes me sick." Kinah said

Since when have I became noticable and when did I date Miyako?

"Wow." Tadao said

"Hiroki and I aren't dating so what's the problem..?" Miyako asked

"Sweetie the problem here is you. Stay away from Hiroki. He doesn't want trash like you around him. Not to mention all the make up you wear it's gross. Are you trying to look good for him?" Yuno said

"Yeah, just back off Miyako." Kinah said joining in

"I don't even wear make up..." Miyako said

"Okay that's it." Tadao yelled

"Right" I said

Both Tadao and I stood up that's when everyone turned to face the two of us.

"Okay, leave Miyako alone. She didn't mess with you two so mind your own business. Even if we were dating it's not any of your concern so bud out." I said

"S-So rude!" Kinah yelled

"Tch, so what? The question is are you dating or not?" Yuno asked

If I say no then they'll just keep thinking were dating. If I say yes then maybe they'll leave us alone but...

"They aren't dating." Tadao said

We aren't so there we go again.

"Tadao is right!" Miyako added

"They've probably kissed and everything! Maybe they even went so far that they've slept together too!" Kinah yelled

That's it. I was really upset. I'm really starting to get irritated more easily. My mood has been changing a lot ever since that Lisa situation.

"Is he mad?" Yuno asked

I went up to both of the girls

"Say another word and I'll drag you both down to hell with Satan himself." I threatened

I gotta admit I looked pretty scary. I almost scared myself.

Both Kinah and Yuno sat down and didn't speak again.

"Dude!! That's scary don't do that again." Tadao said

"Sorry Tadao and for everyone else who saw and heard my disrespectful words." I said

Miyako was shook I could tell.

From now on I'm gonna try to be a calm nice little boy again!

Nothing To Something • Hiroki Suzuki Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora