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I moved into Coles not that long ago. He said he couldn't bear being 5 minutes with out me but Coles has been on a Business trip and I've been moping around his and my house for a while.

I miss you baby
4:31 PM

I miss you too, I'm really bored
Without you here
4:32 PM

I'm sorry I'm slammed with
Work I wish I could be there
4:32 PM

I wish you could be here to..😢
4:34 PM

Baby I got a big question for
you when I get back...
4:36 PM

Just tell me now
4:36 PM

Trust me it's better said in person
4:37 PM

4:37 PM

I was confused at his messages of course but if he wanted to talk about it in person I was okay with that.

* A Couple Days Later *

I heard the door open and grabbed a shoe confused walking downstairs. I closed my eyes going around the corner. "Hey-" I threw the shoe at the person. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Lili... everything okay..?" I peeked around the corner to see roses in his hands a little messed up from the shoe I threw. I sighed in relief. "Fucking Christ I thought someone was here to kill me" we laughed and he walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him and smiled and I snuggled into his chest as we swayed back and forth. I remembered our texts from a couple days ago. "So you said you had something to tell me?" He nodded and I looked up at him. "So are you gonna tell me or..?" I chuckled and he smiled. "Promise you won't freak out" I put my pinky up. "I promise!" He chuckled at my enthusiasm and nodded. "My mom and dad wanna meet you..." he said that and my eyes widened. "REALLY!" I yelled and he smiled wide. "Yeah they do" he chuckled at her. "Of course I'll meet your parents.." I said. "Great because we're going tomorrow!" He said and my jaw dropped. "Cole! What the hell! I have nothing to wear I won't have enough time to do my hair! I have work to do tonight-" I said rushing around as he grabbed my shoulders. "Babe... everything will be taken care of it's okay.. calm down" he said as I relaxed.

I told him I had to do something and I grabbed my laptop going in his office sitting at the desk.
I opened the laptop biting my lip at the article I'm not even close to finishing. It was about pollution and animal endangerment so I opened up a couple tabs for facts and quotes I needed for the article and started writing.

* A Couple Hours Later *

I was writing fast and readjusted my glasses and I didn't notice Cole step foot in the office. He slowly walked over to me as I was completely focused on my computer and he put his hands on my shoulders which made me jump.

"Shit-" I said turning and he smiled.

"Hey... hows it going?" He said laying his head on the top of my head looking at the laptop.

"It's going alright... thanks for asking" I smiled at him.

"Have you taken any breaks? You've been up here for quite sometime" he said with a worried face.

Kinky ~Sprousehart~Where stories live. Discover now