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4 days later before exams•

I sigh as I look at the messy table. I felt like throwing all the books on the floor and then arranging them in a order just as they were before.

I roll my eyes, let the annoyance slide before laying down on my bed. I've studied enough, I'm sure this time I'll be first as usual, there isn't anyone who will create a competition for me. I don't need to study day and night. All night I kept thinking about this before drifting to sleep.

•last monthly exam day•

I saw jungkook today in the library, his face barely visible, a pile of books hiding his figure.

At first I thought it was jin as he also has brown coloured hair but when I lightly patted the boy's shoulder I heard words Jin would never say.

"Get lost whoever it is, can't you see I'm busy".

I knew that voice belonged to jungkook. So I spat back,

"That's no way to talk to anyone and since when have you started studying?"

"Since I joined this school now can you please leave?" he pleaded obviously annoyed by my presence.

"Alright I will but remember one thing you can't beat me in studies no matter how hard you try" I smirk as I turn around to leave. My words didn't seem to affect him.

"We will see that Hana, wait till the results come"he smirked back and continued reading the book.

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