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I was putting on a little bit of highlighter to make my cheekbones look more prominent and glow when I received a text.

Jimin: I'm waiting outside, hurry up gurl!

Hana: On my way.

I ran down the stairs almost tripping at a step.
"bye mom, I'm leaving" I announce and turn the door knob.

As expected jimin was pissed of that I made him wait. I could tell when he glared at me and started the car. That guy hates waiting and I purposely took my time to annoy him. Afterall he was forcing me to go to the party.
"You know that I'm only doing this for your own good. You are making it harder for me" he said as we stopped at the red signal.

"I never asked for this. Besides I don't even like jungkook why are you even bothering setting me up for him" I say," He isn't interested in girls like me and I'm not into boys like him. We are no match."

" Oh please, he's clearly interested in you, have u noticed the way he looks at you? lust baby." Jimin smirks.

"Whatever" I softly hit him on his arm and he drives again as the light turns green. After atleast 10mins we arrive at the mall. Jimin drags me into an expensive shop from which I can't even afford something.

"Jimin you know how broke I'm nowadays. I can't spend my whole savings to buy a dress to go a asshole's party" I whine and pull his arm to take him towards the exit.

"Who said you're paying?  Sweetie,I choose, I buy and you wear got it? That's what friends like me are for" he smirks as he chooses a few dresses for me.

I pout when he pushes me into trail room handing me a red strapless dress.
"Go in, wear it" he winks and I close the curtain.

"It looks great" he beamed when I showed up wearing the red dress which was riding up my thigh. "I'm sure this one will look better" offering me a white long silk dress.

" I'm not going to a wedding bro! and I ain't wearing white to a party." I put away the white dress.

"Alright how about this?" he says showing me a dark blue dress , it's low cut, my whole cleavage would be on display. "Not my type"
He sighs as he shows me a dark green formal wear dress.
"It's elegant but definitely not a party wear." I pout.

"I'll buy you this one, you can wear it on your date with Jungkook later on" he winks.

" Honestly I think the first one was the best." Jimin stated his opinion. I nod, it was quite uncomfortable, I've to pull in down all the time but I couldn't say no to jimin. He's doing enough for my broke ass.

" And so you're ready for your boyfriends party!" He laughs as he holds the bag with two dresses in the air.
I laugh along with him.

"Thank you jiminie- I owe you big time" I smile.

"Of course- I just want to see my best friend happy and safe. And I feel like he's the right guy for you so I'm doing what I should do" He managed a smile on his face putting the bags in the backseat of the car.

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