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Jungkook's list from A-Z no matter how weird about Jimin

A: Attractive

He looks so attractive. Plush, pink lips. The shape of his body, soft yet firm.

B: Beautiful

Although beautiful and attractive may seem the same, they aren't. 

I would give everything for one glance at his eye smile. His eyes are the prettiest. His cheeks have baby fat and makes him look cute, younger than me.

C: Cute

He's the cutest man on earth. From his blushes to his flustered face and actions, everything he does is cute.

D: Dazzling

As I said before, his eye smile is the prettiest. His eyes shine and sparkle and I can't help but be mesmerized by all of him.

E: Elegant

He walks with elegance, I think the year of being the one and only top contemporary dance major has paid off. It's really similar to ballet, which is all about posture and visuals.

F: Fairy

He looks like he came down from heaven. Okay, fairies probably don't come from heaven but they sure look like they do. Jimin's my fairy.

G: Gorgeous

He's perfect from head to toe. No one can deny that.

H: Hot

When he does those body rolls...I can barely keep myself from fainting. He has such a good body. Dang, his expressions are always on point. Those abs...I couldn't get enough of it in No More Dream.

I: Intelligent even if he may not seem so

Always knows how to get back at someone. Never make him angry although he looks hot like that. I'm never going to tell him that. Those who see this, keep your mouths shut. ALL of you.

J: Jungkook's

Why not? He's mine. Forever and ever.

K: Key to life

Wow, it's my initials: JK!

Without him, I could have never found my way through life. He's my everything. Without him, I can't live. End of disscussion.

L: Love

My love. My one and only. No one will take his place in my heart, all of me is his.

M: Meticulous

He always works his hardest. Every step in the dance is placed, every arm is placed, his whole body is where it needs to be at the time. Not to mention, he takes the longest to get ready in the morning, but I find it cute and endearing.

N: Naive

It's honestly so cute when he doesn't get our dirty jokes. He's so innocent! Purest of the pure.

O: Optimistic

Always so fun and outgoing. He can cheer me up when no one, even when Hoseok can't. He's my sunshine.

P: Perfect

He's perfect, everything about him is perfect. His appearance, his personality, his dance.

Q: Queen

He deserves to be Queen. I can be King. Why? I said he's PERFECT! And have you not read the other adjectives used to describe him?

R: Radiant

His smile is all shine and dazzle. He gives of the vibe like he's the sun and warmth, which he truly is.

S: Special

He's my favorite Hyung. I love him so much that it hurts. You can clearly see my bias. Can't you ARMY?

T: Tempting

I want him so much every day, every second that it hurts. I watch his Serendipity and Lie MVs so much I pretty much memorized everything.

U: Unique

He's his own person, original and new. Like no other. 

V: Virtuous

He's kind and holds justice up till it reaches the sky.

W: Warm

He's so soft and cute. When I hug him, he feels so warm and makes me  feel warm too! With just his smile, I feel safe and warm.

X: Xenodochial

He is so outgoing he is even friendly to strangers. But I don't want the strangers near him...

Y: Youthful

He has so much energy, even more than me. He smiles and laughs whenever possible. 

Z: Zeolous

Always is active and runs and talks so much like Hoseok. They are so similar and I'm jeonlous.



Sorry for not updating for a week, I was updating the other books. 

Thank you for reading! 

Next chapter MIGHT be a poem, Jungkook's about Jimin and Jimin's about Jungkook.

J-Hope you liked this original format!

Thank you!




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