nightlight / / 2

689 44 4

m a t t 》》

"And what is it to you?" I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. Really nobody knew that I still had a nightlight except for my closest friends.

"Oh, nothing. It would be a shame if that got out on you first day of school, though." She said with her boots clicking on my hardwood floor.

"Why would you do that?" #whyyougottabesorude am I right ladies?

"Because, kid, I hate everyone until they have proven themselves worthy of liking." She told as she picked up various things in my room, putting them back in the wrong places.

"What's your name?" I asked, so I would know who to stay away from. "Violet", "And yours?" she didn't seem even slightly interested in what I was going to say.

"Matthew Espinosa." I confidently replied.

"Chillax, prep, if you wanna survive here, you can't be all preppy and 'go team!'" she waved her hands around at the last part. My shoulders slumped and I trembled as she walked closer to me. She leaned towards my ear, her heeled boots making it possible, and whispered, "Do I make you nervous, prep?" her smokey breath encircled me like a wreath. "N-no. Of corse n-not." I stuttered. "You stuttered." she smirked. "And?" I nervously questioned. "People stutter when they're nervous."

And with that, she turned on her heels to the already opened doors and stepped out, over the railing, and onto a balcony on the other side.

Minutes later I hear '18' by anarbor playing through some bad quality speakers.


I put everything back where it belongs and try to have a little peace and quiet, which is pretty much impossible since Violet has been blaring weird punk songs for the past hour. I want to ask her to turn it off but I don't really want to suffer the consequences of my nightlight secret being found out.


I was about to fall asleep when the loud music finally stops, and the familiar sound of boots on my floor becomes audible.

"Congratulations," Violet announced from a few feet away, "you passed the loud music test!" She faked a preppy cheerleader voice.

"Woohoo now let me sleep."

"Sweet dreams, prep." She left without another word.

nightlight / / mattWhere stories live. Discover now