nightlight / / 3

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v i o l e t 》》
stares. judgements. rumors. aka my life. i am popular, but im not liked by anyone. im like hitler, everyone knows who i am, but nobody likes me.
i don't know why no one likes me. high school turns everyone into bitches. my friends from elementary school and middle school are fake and covered in creams and powders and skirts that show their lace thongs. me? i wear makeup, but i don't do it to make myself look cool or punk, i wear it to mirror my insides. dark and empty. im not like the other people that dress like me. i don't write poetry(i actually hate it), i don't drive a motorcycle, i don't have some weird family problems. in fact, my family is basically the poster board for perfect family's. there are my parents who are madly in love, my older twin brothers who dress in khakis and polos, my younger sister whose hair is always in pig tails, and my cat, oliver. and then there's me, the fuck up of the family. the one who smokes and drinks and wears mostly black. the one that doesn't have friends. the one that sneaks out windows to go walk to the gas station to get another pack of cigarettes. the one that can't keep a boyfriend for more than a week. the one that has scars on her wrists. the one that drinks to forget. the one that reads weird old romantic novels. the one that ditches class. the one that stays home "sick" from school. the one that everyone hates. the one that is afraid to trust.
the fuck up.

nightlight / / mattWhere stories live. Discover now