17 ; shopaholic

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I stepped off the train, my heart still thudding.

It's hard to explain how loud a heartbeat can seem. Although you know it isn't true, you can just find yourself worrying that people could hear it, because it was so loud you could feel it in your ears. As if it were echoing around your body.

It was still thudding as I entered the Lower City Region followed by Jake and Scott. They were now practically ignoring each other. And as I continued to walk through the deteriorating city.

When I finally reached where Charlie and Lillian were staying, I was half convinced I was having a heart attack and the other half convinced that my heart was about to explode.

"Charlie, it's me!" I called out down the corridor. After a moments pause, Charlie emerged from the darkness. He was about to say something to me, when he saw Jake. He straightened up, his eyes narrowing.

"Who's this?" he asked, not taking his eyes off of him. Jake hesitated before he stepped forward, extending a hand.

"Sorry, I'm Jake," he said, giving a small smile. Charlie still seemed defensive, so he continued, "I'm Rebecca's match,"

I hated that sentence so much.

Charlie looked to me for reassurance, and I nodded. Nervously, he shook Jake's hand. He turned to Scott and gave him a greeting nod, however Scott just gave him a blank stare, contrasting to what he had been earlier.

We followed Charlie into the broken down building, where Lillian was sitting on the rug in front of the mirror, braiding her hair. As soon as she saw me in the reflection, she jumped up.

"Bex!" she exclaimed throwing her arms around me. I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of security being around the two. Like even if it was the deadliest place in the world, I would not want to be anywhere else.

However, as she sat back I saw how tired he was. The bags lining her eyes, blood under her fingernails and her hair with crusty chunks. I tried to stop myself from gagging, but she just grinned at me.

She turned to Jake and Scott, and as soon as she saw Jake she retracted, almost tripping over a chair with a broken leg. Charlie quickly rushed to her.

"What's wrong?" Jake said hesitantly, his brow furrowing, as Lillian took another step back, fear darting across her eyes.

"He's a guard..." Lillian said, her voice hoarse but strained with fear. I saw Jake's body slump in defeat, as he sighed.

"Yeah," he said, and now Charlie stood in front of Lillian, his arms crossed. It was almost as if he was ready to punch someone if needed. Scott stood, simply watching. Jake continued, "But I'm not on work... and even if I was I would never hurt you. I'm Rebecca's match..."

Charlie seemed to relax, but Lillian stood her ground. It was something I had never seen in her before, a true fear.

"Okay..." she said hesitantly, stepping forward slightly. She let out a small cough, and Charlie's eyes darted to her. She shook her head, smiling at him, "I'm fine,"

"Yasmin is Alice," Scott said, interrupting the conversation that was going on. All heads turned to Scott. The air was still, a different tone now hung in the air. Jake stepped back, clearly effected by the way others saw him.

"Is she alright?" Charlie asked, stepping forward, a light in his eyes. Scott nodded, and he relaxed. A smile now formed on Charlie's face, and Lillian beamed.

"She mentioned something about a revolution, and a strange man coming to visit her. Do you know anything about this?" Scott was forward about his questions. Charlie straightened up, ready to answer, but instead Lillian stepped forward.

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