149 24 8

Severus = Italic

McGonagall = bold italic

Sal = bold not italic

"..." means a pause or silence, depending on the context.

29 November, 1998

Good morning Minerva. How are you doing and how is the Headmistress job treating you?

I am writing to you because I need to inquire about a female student who graduated from Hogwarts last year. I need to know her full name and her education status when she was back in America. All I know about her is she is originally from Egypt and moved to the United States and completed six years of her magical education there. She was transferred to Hogwarts in her seventh year. Also, she was the only one who took an Outstanding in her potions' NEWTs.

Please send me this information as fast as possible.

S.S –

7 December, 1998

Hello Severus, I am doing fine thank you for asking.

It has been a hectic four months. Parents have been worried for their children's safety and some of them refused to send their kids to Hogwarts. The ministry does weekly routine check-ups on Hogwarts to ensure that the school is safe once more after what the daily Prophet and Rita Skeeter published.

Could you believe that sneaky leech, she published an article a month ago where she kept doubting my capabilities of running the school and doubting all the Professors here. Just lies after lies came out making the parents shiver with fear and some pulled their children out of the school as a result.

And to make matters even worse, I still don't have a potions master. It is one of the most important subjects and the post is empty!

Sorry for the lengthy rant, I just don't know what to do anymore. How are you doing dear and how are you feeling? I hope you are taking your medication daily and not skipping any meals. The damage done to your body was severe and it needs time to heal.

And about the student, first of all, why do you require that information and why that student specifically? And also you mentioned that she got an O in potions, shouldn't you be the one to know who she is? A student getting an O in your subject is practically impossible, how don't you remember her?

In any case, unfortunately Severus, I cannot provide you with that information. It is confidential, you know how it is. This information can be only given to a current Hogwarts Professor. I also don't want to give the daily prophet another reason to doubt my capabilities. It will cause chaos if anyone found out about it.

So no, I am sorry, I simply cannot.


Minerva –

10 December, 1998

I am sorry to hear you are going through all that Minerva. I wish there was something I could do to ease the load on you. Did you speak to Dumbledore, perhaps he could be of any help to you?

I am doing well and I am taking care of myself so no need to worry about me. The reason I asked you for that information is that I might have found you a new potions master. She is an intelligent and capable of teaching a class. Not to mention hard working and loyal. I am positive she could fill my post, there is no doubt in my mind.

Unfortunately, it has been a year since she graduated and I cannot recall who she is. That was the same year Dumbledore asked me to kill him (before we finally found the decoy solution). I was only focused on the mission given to me so I couldn't distract myself with anything else.

Please try to give me that information, even if you have to apparate to give it to me. She is a good person and deserves to be given a chance.



14 December, 1998

Yes, I spoke to Albus and he gave me a few advices so hopefully, they might work. I wish he could come back to Hogwarts and help me run everything but you know he cannot do that unfortunately. He is meant to be dead, that was the whole point of the decoy you killed Severus. (I am glad you didn't really kill Dumbledore and I am forever in your debt).

It is good to hear that you are taking care of yourself, I might come visit you soon just to make sure.

And thank you for recommending that student to me, I will certainly take her into account especially if you are personally recommending her. I am curious, what suddenly made you remember her?

And once again, I cannot provide you with any details about her. I hope you understand.


21 December, 1998

Thank you Minerva. And about Dumbledore, well... I couldn't kill him, I just couldn't. Over the cross of that year, we have found a cure for his decaying hand and the dark magic that possessed his body. Once he was fully healed, I found no point in killing him.

It was until we thought of the decoy method. In order to gain Voldemort's trust, I needed to kill Dumbledore so that is what I did. Albus and I fashioned a look alike that looked and spoke exactly like him. I then hid the real Dumbledore in Grimmauld place and placed the decoy up on the astronomy tower. And everything went according to plan, on the day Draco brought the death eaters to Hogwarts, they all gathered around and saw me kill the decoy. No one suspected a thing.

And about the girl, well, I have to say I am slightly disappointed that I don't get to know who she is but I am glad you will consider my recommendation. And the reason I am recommending her is that you mentioned you needed a potions master and she came to mind, that is all.


24 December, 1998

Oh my God, you won't believe what just happened!

What happened?

I just got hired at Hogwarts, as a potions master!!


Yes! I just got Professor McGonagall's letter and apparently, I got hired based upon Professor Snape's recommendation! He himself recommended me to be his successor before he... well... died.


I always thought he didn't notice me, I hoped that he would but he never paid me any attention, even after getting an O in potions. But apparently, I was wrong. Sev, this is huuuge!

He left a will behind and said explicitly that he wants ME to be his successor. Oh God, I am shivering, I need to sit down. My heart will explode from happiness!!

You deserve it, I am happy for you... Salma.



How did you know my name?

Well, I had to do a lot of digging to know your name so that I could write that recommendation for you.

YesSalma, I was the one who wrote the recommendation. I am Severus Snape.

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