Chapter 2 Hang

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"Ugh Dammit, come on!" Regina struggled standing on her little step ladder. She pushed the heavy curtain bar and the other end just wouldn't give her a break and fell on one side. "Damn you," Regina huffed angrily. 

The bar finally slipped from her hands, and she lost her balance from the pull of it. "WOAH!" she fell backwards off the ladder. 

"OH!" Regina didn't hit the floor at all. She fell directly into Killian's arms. "Hi," He smiled. "Nice... catch.... how the hell did you get in?" Regina demanded. He places her down gently. "Uhh the door was open actually, and I heard you cursing for about an hour," He chuckled.

"Oh," She sighed. 

Regina's POV

Jesus that was smooth and damn he's strong to catch me that quick. 

"Do you want some help?" He offered. "I can handle things myself," Regina stated. "Well I'm sure you could, but curtain rods considering there's two sides, sometimes some assistance is useful," He shrugged. 

"Well... you're.... tall.. so.." She diminished. "Right, good observation," he grinned. "Ok, I put the hooks up, just the curtains are really heavy and ..." she dismissed. 

"I can help, careful on that ladder, and I'll get this side," He smiled. Happy to help, they each picked up the sides of the curtain rod and managed to get it hung up.

The red velvet cascaded down either side of the large living room window. "Nice," Killian complimented. "Thanks," She smiled.

"You have pretty good taste," He added. "Well it's, my job," She diminished. "Oh?" he asked. "Yeah I'm in interior design," She informed. 

"Oh, that makes sense then," Killian said casually. "So, umm thank you, would you like something to drink?" She offers. 

"Don't force yourself to hang out with me if you don't want to," He regards. "No no, you helped and it's a nice day, and I have manners," She says. 

"So you do anything?" Regina asked. "Sorry?" He laughed a snort. "Umm I mean.. work.." She added.

Regina's POV

Jesus Regina you don't even know how to ask him a basic damn question? 

"Yeah kinda have to do that, to buy things," he said. "Right, okay smart ass, what do you do?" Regina sasses. 

Killian's POV

Her snark is sexy as fuck. 

"I own a bar," He answered. "Really?" Regina mused. "Mmhmm," he nodded. "So you work nights?" Regina pressed. "Not always, I'm the owner, so I can do what I want." He smiled.

"Oh," she shrugged. "So, umm, you want to hang out?" He asked.

Regina's POV

Is he flirting? Is he asking me out? 

"Umm aren't we doing that now?" she defends. "I mean hang out like doing something more, I have a group coming tonight for poker," He smiled. 

"Oh, women?" Regina asked. "Umm just my sister, so no," He joked. "Oh," Regina nodded. "Just offering, unless your friend Tiana would object?" he commented.

"Oh she definitely wouldn't..." Regina muttered under her breath. "What?" He tilted his head. 

"Nothing, Umm sure," Regina shrugged. "Great, we play at eight," He said. "Ok," Regina nodded.

"See you later," He waves casually and heads out, "I should shut the door right?" He asked, leaving his head in the door, "Yes thank you," Regina sighed.

He grins a flashy wide smile once more before shutting the door. 

"Will you just help me?" Regina whines to Tiana over FaceTime. "Show me the blue one again?" Tiana asks. 

"Why am I wearing a dress to play poker?" Regina asked. "Why don't you wear that cute slouchy sweatshirt, and a little skirt or those leopard leggings?" Tiana suggested.

"Why would I wear that?" Regina asked. "Because it shows off your booty girl, and it's casual, oh add a little hat," Tiana said.

"Seriously?" Regina asked. "See?" Tiana smirked on the video. "What's that mean?" Regina rolled her eyes. 

"You're sitting here stressing about what to wear to his poker game, you clearly like him," Tiana hinted. "Ok fine then the leopard leggings and casual top it is," Regina scoffed. 

"See? This way he still gets to see that booty, and it's casual and cute," Tiana said. "Well it doesn't matter, I have no reason to impress him," Regina ignored. "Mmhmm, have fun," Tiana grinned and waved goodbye on the video.

Regina hung up the phone rolling her eyes. 

She got her little leggings on and her cute sweatshirt, tossing a little conductor hat on as well. 

Walking across the hall the two steps to his door, she saw it was opened a bit. She heard people inside and figured she could go in, so she poked her head in. 

"Killian there's a pretty girl here! You probably did something wrong!" a woman said in his same accent. The redhead welcomed her inside. 

"I'm Zelena, Killian's adorable little sister," she smiled. "The adorable is highly debatable and I only invite you because you get all wicked on me if I don't. Plus it's fun to take your money, and HALF sister, if you're technical," Killian swaggered out and rolled his eyes. 

He was wearing jeans and a rolled up shirt, as he welcomed Regina himself inside. "This is Regina, she moved in across the hall," Killian introduces as they come to the table.

Two other men are there, "I'm Neal," the rusty blonde said, "I'm Graham," the other accented male said. 

"Hi," Regina nodded to them. "Here you can sit between me and my sister, since she looks at my cards," Killian said. "I do not," Zelena sassed. 

Killian rolled his eyes, "drinks are all in the fridge, beer, and assorted things, Zelena brought green apple cider, of all nonsense things," Killian scoffed. "What it's good?" She defends. 

"Why is it GREEN apples? Isn't it just regular apples?" Killian asked. "The green gives it kick, you're not drinking it, Regina?" Zelena offered. "Sure, thank you," Regina said sweetly. 

Killian's POV

Damn her ass is fine in those pants, okay focus Killian before you lose your money. Her hat is so cute. Bloody hell. 

"Ok, you know how to play Texas hold'em?" Killian asked Regina. "Sure I do," She boasted. "Two cards, please," Regina smiled. Killian was impressed and danced his brows up at her. 

"Do you have any of that popcorn?" Zelena asked. "I don't know, go look," Killian sassed. "Help me jerk," Zelena snarked. 

Killian sighed and got up, "don't touch my cards Graham!" Killian scolded heading into the kitchen. 

"It's right where it always is," Killian shook his head handing it to her. "So she's cute," Zelena smiled. "Are you serious? You got me in here for that?" He rolled his eyes. 

"Oh come on, I know your type, and she's it," Zelena mused. "Yeah we're just hanging out, we're neighbors," Killian defends. 

"Like you didn't check her out," Zelena scoffed. "I'm a man, of course I did," He shrugged. "Come on, she's totally into you too," Zelena said. "Like you're miss Perceptive? Really? You think she likes me?" He peeks out of the kitchen. 

"Mmhmm," Zelena grunted. 

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