Chapter 3 Card

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It was undeniable that Killian and Regina were a bit flirtatious with each other. During the poker game, they definitely made eyes at each other. Of course Killian playing innocent that it was just a poker face. 

His younger half sister could see right through his poker face and knew that he was indeed interested in his new attractive neighbor. 

As the week rolled on, Killian and Regina did their prospective jobs, and one night Killian came home late, not alone. 

Regina was sitting on her coach nibbling on some ice cream when she heard a loud giggle outside the hallway. 

She peeks through her peephole looking across and sees him kissing a girl, while simultaneously unlocking his apartment. Regina pressed her face so hard against her door that she felt the circle encasing her eye as she stared through it. 

Regina sighs, and grows clearly jealous, and picks up her cell phone.

"No he just went into his apartment with her," She says to Tiana. "And you're stalking through your peephole staring at him?" Tiana asked.

"Well I can't see anything now, but they were definitely all over each other, and they're probably you know, right now," Regina stammered anxiously. "And you're upset," Tiana observed. "I'm not.. Upset, I just..... didn't expect to hear loud obnoxious giggling at 1 am," Regina defended.

"Mmhmm, well, maybe you should inquire if that's a girlfriend," Tiana said. "What? I can't do that, we've hung out once really a week ago," Regina sulked onto her couch. 

"So? You're kinda friends at the least, you can ask him who she is," Tiana encouraged. Regina sighed, and was angry with herself for being remotely bothered. 

They weren't dating, she had no right to act like she was jealous of him, but the fact was, she was. 

The next morning, she goes across the hall, and the paper was still there, meaning he wasn't up yet. 

She started to knock and the door was jolted open. "Oh hello," a woman greeted her. Regina sighed and her stomach turned inside her. "Uhh I ... just wanted to get some sugar..." Regina said extremely slowly, finding the easiest excuse possible.

"Oh," the woman nodded kindly to her. "Uhh Hi," Killian swaggered around the corner, still putting his shirt on, with relaxed flannel pants. 

Regina's POV

Ok this is the worst thing ever, and he's half naked, so is she, they clearly had sex. What the hell am I doing here? Oh my god. I had to literally press down feeling ill inside me to get through this awkward moment. 

"Uhh this is my neighbor Regina," Killian introduced, with a clearly awkward look on his face, and nervously touches his ear. "I'm Isabelle," the coy brunette said to her. 

She was indeed a beauty, and Regina felt just annoyed quickly at the petite brunette all over him. Killian was also visibly uncomfortable and looked guiltily at Regina as she left. 

Regina sulks back in her apartment, and pushes herself to get ready at least for a workout. Why should she let him and whoever that hussy was interrupt her day? 

Heading out her door, his door opens quickly, "Hey Regina.." he stops her quickly. "Yes?" She sasses. 

"Uhh," He's at a loss for words. "She seems.... little mousy for you," Regina sassed. He furrowed his brows at her, "Is that so?" He asked. "Yeah just I don't know, guess I was wrong about some things," Regina said. 

Killian's POV

Wow is she jealous? Maybe Z is right. 

"Wrong about what?" He pressed, and leaned against his doorway. "Nothing," She scoffs. "You're mad, and I can't figure out why," he mused at her curiously. "I have to go," She sassed and rushed off. 

Frustrated on her run, cursing at herself, and feeling slightly confused, she ran into a built man. He was blonde and very attractive. "Woah, Hi," he smiled at her. "Hi," Regina sighed, not really interested.

But then again, if Killian was clearly screwing around, why couldn't she? It's not like she wasn't single. 

"I'm James," He introduces, and the pair run together and head to get a health drink after. 

He's suave and charming, and Regina allows him to walk her back to her place. As they go to her door, Killian is peeking through his peephole and pressing his eye to it. 

Killian's POV

Who the fuck is that? Stop it Killian, you literally slept with someone last night, but that's not even serious.

He can't help it, and opens the door abruptly. "Oh... sorry.." He lies and stares at the pair. Regina smirks at him, but doesn't say anything. 

"James," the blonde introduces. "Uh-huh, Killian," he answers in a disgruntled tone. "So I'll see you tomorrow," James nods and heads off as Regina smiles back at him.

Killian scowls as the hallway leaves him and Regina alone. The pair cross arms and lean against their open doors. "Who's the chiseled beau?" Killian snarks. "Just someone I'll be going out with tomorrow," Regina states.

"Oh, hmm," Killian nods amused. "What?" Regina demands. "Nothing, just seems a bit, blonde for you," Killian comments. "Is that so?" Regina sasses. "Yeah," Killian huffs. "I don't see why it's your business, what did you pick up that brunette in the bar last night?" Regina retorted.

Killian smirks and clicks his tongue at his teeth. "Yeah I did, actually she picked me up, if you must know," he taunts. "I don't need to know anything," Regina barked. "Yeah well okay," Killian shrugged. 

"So you want to play cards tonight with us or not?" Killian huffed. "Yeah I'll see you later," Regina snaps at him and shuts the door. 

That night, at the poker table. 

"Five bucks," Regina put chips down. "I thought the maximum was a dollar?" Neal asked. "Well I'm feeling lucky so I just raised it to five bucks," Regina smirked at Killian. 

Neal, Graham and Zelena all folded their cards and Regina and Killian eyed each other. "Loser?" She teases. "I fold," Killian places his cards on the table. 

"What? You can't fold come on," Regina huffs. Killian sighs and sits back down, and places his chip in the pile. 

"Fine... what you got?" he stares at her. "Full house," She breathes and places her hand down. 

Killian nods, and remains silent, and places his cards face down, "You got me," He nodded. "YES!" Regina cheers for herself, and Zelena is on her side cheering her cider bottle in congrats. 

"You don't have the cards?" Neal asked. "Yeah well that's how the game is played, look how happy she is," Killian leaned against the counter. "What did you have?" Graham asked.

"Just a pair of twos," Killian admitted. "You two are getting interesting," Graham mused. Killian crossed his arms and just stared at Regina's smile. 

Killian's POV

Bloody hell 

A/N-- Had to change in Chapter 2 that Killian's other friend is not David, but rather NEAL, bc I forgot I was bringing James into this. 

NeighborsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang