Chapter 6 Stay

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Killian had helped pick up parts of the door that he broke down, for Regina. "I messaged the super, he said he can get it by tomorrow, since, you need a door," Killian chuckled. "Thanks, here," Regina handed him a drink.

"Well, hope you like sushi, that's what I got," Tiana waltzes in. "Thanks T," Regina smiled. "He really clocked you, I don't like it," Tiana mopes gently holding Regina's chin looking at her red cheek and tiny lip cut.

"It's okay, Killian made it feel better," Regina informed. "Oh did he? Kiss it better?" Tiana asked. "Yes," Killian admitted. 

"Mmmhmm," Tiana smirked at Regina. Regina rolled her eyes, but her other cheek blushed at the conversation. 

"So, now I can get to know Superman here," Tiana sits down. "T..." Regina pleads. "No it's alright, she has a right to interrogate, shoot," Killian smiled. 

"I really like him," Tiana nodded. 

Tiana indeed grilled Killian a bit, asking about his job, and his family, and why he felt the need to fly across the hall like a superhero to Regina. 

"I wasn't going to just sit there and let her get hit, though somewhat wish her door was opened for once," Killian mused. "Well you had no problem kicking it down," Tiana reminded. "True, I think it was the adrenaline," He nodded. 

Regina stared at him as he spoke easily to Tiana, and she indeed really liked him. Tiana didn't like any of Regina's suitors. Killian was now the first. 

"Well I'll let you two enjoy the night, what's left of it, Drew is off work soon," Tiana picked up her bag. "You're staying with her right?" Tiana pointed a finger at Killian. "I won't take my eyes off her," Killian smiled.

"Mmhmm," Tiana groaned approvingly. "You and Drew should come play poker," Killian suggested. "Oh Drew would probably like you," Tiana smiled. 

Killian flashes a grin at Tiana, and she kisses Regina's cheek, "Stay with my girl," Tiana demands once more. "I will." Killian promises. 

Now alone, Killian smiles Regina gently. "So what should we do?" Regina asked. "Well, we should kind of set up out here, or rather I can, just make sure no one comes in," Killian shrugged. 

The pair chatted half the night, and got to know each other, telling a lot of fun stories. Eventually Regina fell asleep on the couch, and the morning she heard men talking. 

Killian was still there, and had made coffee as Regina stretched on the sofa, she saw another man there with a tool belt. 

The super had arrived. 

Killian was being a courteous host in Regina's apartment, offering the super and his helper some coffee before they got going to fix the door. 

Regina's POV

Wow, he's like... the perfect guy.

As Regina's door was fixed, they handed her new keys, and Killian had them install a deadbolt. "Thank you," Regina nodded to them as they gathered their tools and headed out. 

"Well I guess I should get going to the bar, check on my workers," Killian said. "You work Saturday's?" Regina asked. "Not really, just have to check on the staff and make sure things are in order," He said. 

"Being the boss has perks," Regina smiled. "Indeed, it does," He smiled. "You want to come hang out later? Free drinks," He winked. "Trying to seduce me with alcohol?" She teased. "I do look even cuter when one is intoxicated," he joked.

"I doubt it," She smiled coyly. "Wow... look at us, growth," he grinned. "Sure I'll come by tonight," She nodded. 

Killian headed off to his bar for the day, Graham was working, and he tipped his head up slightly to see sexy black heels, her legs and a little leopard skirt. Her hair was all poofed with natural curls.

"Regina.. you look... stunning," he gaped a bit. "Well figured I would earn my free drinks, with a look," She smiled. "You look great, here have seat, Graham!" Killian scolds.

Graham wolf whistles at Regina as she sits. "Ass," Killian snaps. "What? You were thinking it, and I feel we're at that point where we can whistle at your girlfriend," Graham joked. 

"Girlfriend?" Regina quirked at Killian with a precocious smile. "He's drunk, ignore him," Killian lied. "I don't drink on the job, you won't let me," Graham defends. 

Regina giggles and tips her head at Killian adoringly. Neal shows up later, and Regina texted Tiana and Drew. "Well this is superman huh?" Drew grinned shaking Killian's hand. "Don't tell him that, we will never hear the end," Neal joked.

"Nice to meet you Drew," Killian nodded. "Yeah I like him," Drew confirmed to Tiana. "I do too," Tiana smiled at Regina.

"Ok," Regina rolled her eyes. "Look at you serving Looks like this to him," Tiana praised her in the bathroom. "Well, he did save me and make sure the door was fixed," Regina shrugged tousling her hair. "You're adorable together," Tiana complimented. 

"Ok, we're out, come here, keep the curls please," Tiana hugged Regina. "I agree with her," Killian smiled. "I really like him," Tiana mused.

"See you Friday for poker," Drew shook Killian's hand. "I'm kicking out, Graham behave, lock up," Killian instructed. "Yeah yeah goodnight," Graham said, following it with another wolf whistle as Regina and Killian turned around.

Neal laughed, "Stop that," Killian scolded around, as Regina giggled. "Listen, I'm just saying, and I could have been whistling at you," Graham teased. 

They headed back to the apartment and went to their respective doors. "Well goodnight," Killian kissed her gently, and she indeed wanted more of that, and leaned upward to kiss him more. 

"Goodnight Killian," Regina said. 

The pair went into their separate apartments, but Regina felt herself become anxious and restless. 

She paced around and stopped at her door to check the bolts, and locks. The wind blew through her open living room window and a glass fell, making her scream. 

Killian went into the hallway hearing the commotion across from his door. He banged on the door, and Regina jolted it open with the bat in her hand. 

"Oh... it's you," She breathes quickly. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned. 

"Yeah I'm... fine." She lies putting the bat by her side. "You sure?" he asked gently and leaned on the door frame. 

"I...." She heaved and composed herself. She looked up at him, "Will you stay with me again?" She asked timidly. 

He smiled softly, "of course I'll stay," he nodded. 

Stepping inside her apartment, he gently takes the bat from her hand, and shuts and bolts the door behind him. 

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