Chapter 8 Romantic

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"She didn't want to be with you because you're too romantic?" Regina asked. "Yeah," Killian nodded, taking two cards into his hand. "Where on earth did you find her?" Tiana scoffed. "The bar," Killian shrugged.

"Hmmm," Tiana groaned. "Clearly you just needed the right neighbor," Zelena says. "Yeah, I guess so," Killian smirks giving Regina a kiss. "That wasn't an invitation to be disgustingly sweet, we're playing poker," Zelena disgruntled. 

Regina giggled as the cards were dealt again. 

Once everyone left, "So what romantic things do you do?" Regina asked. "Mmm, well if I tell you all my secret skills then they won't be as special when I do them," he smiled. 

"So you really weren't... a ... womanizer?" Regina stuttered. He purses his lips together, and slyly smiles, "Well I wouldn't say that, but I didn't necessarily just want to fool around," he said. 

"So do I have to earn this romance that that woman wasn't interested in?" Regina nibbled her lip in a teasing way at him. "Mmm, what exactly do you want to do to earn it?" He asked lusciously. 

She feels a small ache of pleasure between her legs, as she tiptoes up to him wanting to erase the distance between their lips. "Oh I see where you're going with this," He whispered, and tugged her hands forward more to close the gap.

"Mmm," he tugs her lips sensually with his teeth. "Well your kisses are pretty romantic and the fact we screwed in the bar," Regina giggled. "Mmm that's not even close to my romance," he smirks.

The next day, Regina came home from work to see a cute note on the door to her place. "Open Slowly," it read in Killian's writing. 

She gushed inside at the idea of what was behind the door, and opened it as instructed. Since he didn't have a key he could only slip something small under the door. 

She picked up the small envelope and it was a CD. "A little mix of songs that remind me of you, or us rather," Regina read.Regina skipped to her CD player, like a girl with a crush on the Captain of the football team, but an adult. 

She started playing the CD that Killian made. 

Regina giggled at the cute romantic songs he picked. 

The playlist played, "I'm Yours", "Dancing Queen", "Save the last dance for me", "Marvin Gaye", "Pretty Young Thing", "Only you", "Shook me all night long", "Somebody's baby" and rounding out the list was "Superman." 

She giggled at some of the songs, and blushed at some others that were about sex. Regina wasn't sure why he picked Dancing Queen. 

Later, at around 8 pm she heard keys across the hall. She opened her door cutely, "hey neighbor," she grinned at him. "Well Hi girlfriend, did you get your little musical gift?" He smirked.

"Yeah, wondering why the ABBA?" She quirked cutely. He kissed her softly, "Mmm just pictured you dancing and wiggling around to it, with that little booty," He winked. "You really like my ass," She grinned.

"Is it that obvious? I was trying to be obvious," he joked. She giggled at him, pressing her hand on his chest. "Umm I haven't eaten yet, you want to order in with me?" Regina asked. "Ok but I pay," he smirked and came into her apartment. 

"You know what I like about us already?" He asked. "What?" Regina leaned in. "That most of the time we're together, aside from bedroom, it's like I'm just hanging out with my best friend," He smiled.

"Really?" her voice squeaked. "Yeah," he laughed, loving when her voice skipped like that. 

Next day, Regina got home to a note once more. "Come to my apartment, door is open," it read. 

Regina pushed Killian's door open and went inside. It was empty, and she saw a note right there as she entered. "Go to the bathroom," she read, and was confused.

She followed the instruction, and walked down his hallway. 

"Hi," He smiled, from a tub overflowing with bubbles with some wine glasses. "Oh my gosh, what are you doing?" she giggled, insanely flattered by this.

"Care to join me and my boat?" He held up a toy boat. She burst into laughter, "You are so cute," she shook her head. 

"Come on, get in while it's hot, and I have nice white wine," he mused at her. "Mmmm, grrrrr," he purred watching her take her clothes off, watching more and more of her skin show to him. "Mmm," he groaned as she lowered herself into the tub in front of him.

The silky skin of her bottom and back lowered to him, and she leaned back once sitting, and he nuzzled her shoulder handing her a glass. "Wow you really are romantic," She said. "This is what I told you, come on my boat is cute," He grinned.

"Your boat is very... cute," she teased touching him under the mountain of bubbles. "Mmm," he groaned feeling her clasp him under the water. 

Several months later 

The group is socializing all together. Tiana loved Killian, Drew and he got along as well with his other guy friends. Zelena loved Regina, and all was progressing along for the group of them. 

Regina is sitting on Killian's knee as the group is playing charades, she's laughing, and hears her doorbell. 

She slides off Killian's lap and heads to her door, and startles at who's there. "Hi," he smiles. "What are you doing here?" She snaps. "I thought I could apologize?" James asks. 

"Go away," She sasses. "Regina.." Killian comes to the door. "Ah, hi," James sighs. "I see you have a death wish," Killian crosses his arms, pushing himself in front of Regina.

"I just wanted to apologize to her," James shrugged. "Oh, okay, you can go now," Killian said. "I see you two moved forward," James observed. "Well Captain Obvious," Killian rolled his eyes. "Don't give him that, that's you," Regina tugged Killian.

"You've apologized, I hope you are off with someone else where you'll exert your power over her, and I hope her neighbor kills you, bye," Regina shuts the door. 

Killian looks at her proudly. "What?" Regina shrugged. "I'm impressed, that's hot," Killian smiled. "Yeah well, I can typically take care of myself," She smiled. "Yeah except when you hang curtains," He teased. 

"Well, that's where you come in to catch me," She kisses him playfully, and they return to the others. "Who was that?" Tiana asked. "No one, I took care of it," Regina said sitting down. 

By this point, Killian and Regina have keys to each other's places, and Regina texted that she was waiting for Killian in his place. 

"What's this?" He asked as she handed him a box. "Wow this is a nice camera, what's the occasion?" he asked. "Look at the first picture on it," She tells him. 

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