Chapter 7 Claim

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"I'm sorry," Regina sighed at Killian. "Why?" He shrugs. "This is stupid," she sulked. "Regina, you had a recent altercation with a guy, he hit you, it's okay to feel a little anxious," He said gently. 

"And I'm the one who broke down the door, so," He shrugged. "Yeah Tiana is going to keep calling you superman," Regina chuckled. 

"Oh, actually, now that you mention that," He paused. Regina looked at him curiously and he began to unbutton his flannel, "Ta-Da!" He grinned, revealing a Superman logo shirt under his button up.

"Oh my god are you the biggest dork?" Regina laughed at him.

Regina's POV

Wow that is freakishly adorable and dorky and I love it. 

"I am kind of," He boasted. "Come on it's cute, you can wear it if you want," he poked at her sides playfully. "Yeah?" she giggled at him.

Swooping his hand around her waist he pulled her to him and kissed her. 

She sighed against him happily as her mouth moved with him. He smiles, "It's normal to feel a little shook up, ok?" He said gently. 

"Ok," she exhales slowly. 

"So you know, we've spent all this time together, and my dashing rescue, and I've stayed here two nights, so I should ask you out," He mentions. "Oh, like a ... date?" Regina asked. "Well I'm kinda already called the boyfriend here, and your friend and my friend wolf whistle at the each of us," He mused.

"What are you talking about?" Regina feigned. "I heard Tiana whistle at me that first day," He smirked. 

"Oh god," Regina rolled her eyes, "Yeah well Graham had the nerve to do it in front of me," Killian chuckled. "Don't be jealous," Regina teased. "Aren't we past that?" He rose a brow.

"Well let's hope so, I guess if you take me out," Regina smiled. "I do like a challenge," He grins. 

A week later 

Regina has a fitted black and pink floral dress on, and her hair curly and tousled. "Where are we going?" she asked, as she clutched Killian's hand. "Well this is my bar, and it just closed," he checked the time showing 2 am. 

He unbolts the door, and leads her inside. "So we just came in here because you don't to pay another bar for a nightcap?" She teases. "Well, that's one reason," he slips behind the bar, putting on the dim lights. 

Getting two glasses out, he smiles at her pouring some rum. "I don't do rum," She scowls. "That's fine, come around here," He said. Regina tucks herself under a beam and behind the bar, to stand next to him.

"You don't have to drink that," he holds his own glass. "Thanks for tonight, it was a lot of fun," she smiled at him. "You want to know the other reason I brought you in here?" He asks taking a small sip.

"Sure, why?" She asked. "Well I have this bizarre thing I've always wanted to do but obviously depends on if I'm reading the signals off you right," He smiled.

"Oh? What signals?" Regina asked coyly. He clicks his tongue against his teeth and shifts his jaw sideways. "Oh I see, I think I get it... you want to have sex at your bar," Regina determines. 

"Well if you want to put it bluntly..." He chuckled. 

"I'm sorry I really didn't mean to presume we were remotely to that step..." Killian defends, but is  pushed against the bar with Regina's force, kissing him and tugging at his pants. 

"Mmm," He grunts as Regina kissing him passionately. "Have you here though?" she pulls her lips from his. "No, I just always wanted to with someone.... special." he uttered. 

Next morning 

"Killian! Bloody hell!" Zelena bangs on Killian's door. "Jesus Z," Killian rips the door open. "What?" He snaps. His sister glares at him, but then smiles, over her shoulder, "Is Regina in there?" Tiana presses. 

"Uhh Hi, yeah she is," Killian confesses. Tiana and Zelena step inside his apartment, smirking to each other.

"T, uhh Hi everyone," Regina shuffled out, barefoot, pants less and, "Superman shirt huh?" Tiana smiled satisfied.

Killian smirked, "Well this will be a lovely brunch, Tea?" Zelena swaggered into Killian's kitchen. "You know, I can make brunch and can't you call when you come?" Killian sassed. 

"Oh it's not like I haven't seen you half naked before," Zelena mocked. 

Tiana held Regina's arm quietly, "Well you two have moved forward," she whispered. "Yeah, twice," Regina giggled.

"Well this is lovely, I should make my beignets sometime," Tiana smiled. "You make pastry?" Killian asked. "Yeah it's her specialty," Regina answered. "Mmm," Killian grins at Regina. "I think he just wants to eat Regina," Zelena said playfully. 

Regina turned crimson, and Killian kissed her cheek. 

"So poker night?" Tiana mused as she was leaving with Zelena, "Uhh yeah this Friday," Killian nodded. "I'll bring extra green apple cider," Zelena mused and kisses her brother's cheek, "I know you like that," She teases. 

"Yeah." Killian rolls his eyes. "Well it's better than rum," Regina pokes him, "Listen, you stay away from my rum, okay," He kisses the top of her head. "Oh god they're sickly sweet, let's go," Zelena groans and shuffled off.

Tiana winks at Regina and follows suit. 

As the week rolled on it was poker night, and Killian was getting ready when a knock on the door was heard. He answered it and one of his week long female companions showed up.

"Uhh, Hi," He looks at her anxiously, hoping Regina's door doesn't open. "I lost an earring and retraced my steps, pretty sure it's under your bed, and it's my grandmother's," She said. "Ah ok," He let her inside. 

To his horror, of course his sister shows up and lets herself in, as the female is searching for her earring. 

"Okay I got two six packs since there's three ladies tonight," Zelena smiled. "Uhh ok," Killian sighed nervously pacing around looking towards his bedroom.

Of course everyone showed up at the same time, Drew, Tiana, Neal, Graham, and of course Regina. 

"Fuck," Killian cursed to himself. 

"Ok I found it," the woman shuffles out and all eyes are on her, including a gaping Regina and scowling Tiana and Zelena. 

The women cross their arms, "Woah let me explain," Killian holds his hands up. "Can you please tell these three women what you're doing here?" He looks at the woman he spent only a week with, "Oh I lost my earring weeks ago, and realized it had to be here, and it was," she held it up.

"Weeks ago, hear that?" Killian looked at Regina pleadingly. "Yeah he's too romantic for me," the woman shuffled out. 

"Too romantic? Who says that?" Tiana scoffed. 

Regina sighed, and Killian came to her, "hey," he says softly. "So she just showed up just now for that after a few weeks?" Regina asked quietly. "Yes you just heard her," He nodded assuringly. "He only left the bar about twenty minutes ago anyway," Graham defended. 

"I'm so gonna beat you at this game tonight," Regina boasted up to him. Killian chuckled and kissed her softly. 

"Don't worry Regina, he's not that kind of scumbag, and he knows I would kick his ass," Zelena says. "She's not lying, and I know Tiana has a bat," Killian mused. 

"That is true," Tiana nodded. 

"What can I say, Regina claimed me," Killian smiled. 

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