Chapter 10 Neighbors

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As the impending delivery of both Tiana and Regina's babies approached, Killian was getting a little anxious. They had the move arranged, and it was the morning of. Killian refused to let Regina do anything remotely strenuous, despite her energy still at this stage.

"Killian.." She pouted. "No, I don't like to be bossy and dominant outside the bedroom, but this is different, you're not doing anything young lady," He said. "Wow you got that Dad face down already," Regina sulked.

"Yeah I do," he pat her ass firmly, which she couldn't deny she found rather sexy. "Fine, I'll direct," Regina boasted. "Yeah? Us where to put boxes?" Killian asked. "Yeah, that," Regina smiled.

"Ok there you go," Killian smiled.

"I can't believe Tiana has to work on moving day, this is sad," Regina pouted. "Well she can't do anything either given she's close to delivery too," Killian mentioned. "That's true, I guess," Regina agreed.

As the moving got going Regina was mainly in the new apartment as the guys did the job of lifting and moving things into the apartment. 

"Graham.." Killian whispered in the hallway holding a box. "Bloody hell, why don't you and Drew just tell Regina that Tiana is moving across the hall?" Graham grunts. "Because we want it to be a surprise," Drew said.

"Ok coast is clear," Graham checked the hallway, and Drew snuck into the apartment across the hall with a box of his and Tiana's.

The guys did this all day, moving literally two apartments worth of stuff, and sneaking between the two as Regina just unpacked in theirs. 

Regina unwrapped dishes and started to put things away in their kitchen, and started to get to some bottles and baby things. She smiled happily at the little things that would be for the baby. 

"Jeez, are we done with these places yet?" Graham groaned setting down a box and Killian subtly kicked the door shut behind him as Drew snuck in across the hall. 

"What?" Regina looked at him curiously. "Nothing he's just complaining," Killian grinned at him. "Oh, well looks like you guys are done," Regina mused. 

The guys were exhausted but managed to keep the secret from Regina. Drew quietly went into the apartment across the hall and waited for Tiana to come home.

Regina was occupied in hers and Killian's as he was constructing a cradle. "I hope the neighbors we have here aren't as annoying as me other one," Regina teased.

"I don't think any neighbor could be as annoying as my last one," Killian chided back to her. 

"Oh," Regina startled hearing someone come down the hallway. Killian smirked watching Regina go to the peephole and look through it, anticipating the squeal that would come. 

Regina gasps, and whips the door open. "Well HI neighbor!" Tiana gleed at her. "OH MY GOD!!" Regina squealed indeed and the two women hugged leaning over their baby bumps. 

Drew and Killian leaned against each of their doorways looking at the women. "How did you do this?" Regina scrunched her nose at Killian. "Uhh very tricky in fact," he chuckled. 

"Umm, things are about to get even trickier," Tiana winced. "What?" Regina asked. "I just had a contraction," Tiana blew out of her mouth. "I'm due before you," Regina worried. 

"Not anymore," Killian observed, as they watched Tiana's water break in the hallway. "Yeah okay, let's go," Drew rushed. The pair closed their apartments, and all rushed to the hospital.

"Ok we love you," Regina let go of Tiana's hand as Drew pushed the wheelchair into the room, leaving Killian and Regina in the waiting room.

Killian gripped gently around Regina's shoulder, and she felt a sudden burst of pressure. "Oh my god," Regina moaned. "Uhh uh oh, a doctor!" Killian called out, as Regina's water broke right there.

"Oh SHIT!! THIS IS UNREAL!!" Regina yelled in pain. "Well now it's a race between who delivers first," Killian attempted a lame joke and Regina nearly choked him with her eyes. "Are you kidding me right now?" Regina snapped at him.

"Yes, and I'm horrible," Killian resumed a soft touch to her, and held her hand. "Your kid is HUGE!" Regina yelped. 

As the hours ticked by, Drew and Killian were now outside the nursery. Each of them staring adoringly through the glass. "He's beautiful mate," Killian said. "Thanks, so is she," Drew said. "Yeah, little mini Regina," Killian chuckled.

Tiana and Drew welcomed a little boy, and Killian and Regina, a girl. 

The apartments now were filled with baby things and of course the sounds of them crying, and cooing.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" Regina said playfully to the baby wiggling on the couch as she leaned over her. "Look at that little smile," Killian looked down at his daughter, as Regina got her dressed. 

"Mmhmm she's all fresh and dry, here Daddy," Regina kissed her head and handed her to Killian. "Okay, we'll be off and have our little bonding time," he said attaching the baby to his chest in her carrier. 

"Just leave her hat on," Regina mothered. "Yes mummy, I do know how to do this, it's been three months, It's like we're father and daughter," he teased. "Okay I know, just, you know," Regina said cutely and kissed them goodbye. 

Killian was a great Dad, naturally, and the guys gave Tiana and Regina time alone often away from the babies. 

Their daughter Molly grew to be indeed a mini version of Regina. The sass, the hip moves, the dark curly hair. By the time she was a toddler, she was ruling most of the house. Killian was a sucker for her in many ways. 

"Hi Daddy," Regina walked into the bar with Molly on her hip. "Daddy!" Molly always excited seeing him after a few hours as if it was a century. 

"Well Hi there," He took Molly in his grasp, and propped her on his arm. "Chocolate milk, shaken not stirred?" Killian teased cutely at his daughter. 

"Ok Mr. Bond, don't get her drunk on milk," Regina laughed. 

Molly was adorable, precocious, and starting to get a little personality at age three. "Excuse me Miss, I see you jumping on that couch," Killian said from the kitchen. 

Molly gave him a cheeky little grin, "Mmhmm, sit down," He rose an eyebrow at her, and she plopped down, and rushed into the kitchen tugging his leg. "Yeah I know, I see you, just don't be a hopping bean on my couch," he pat her head cutely.

"Where is my MUNCHKIN!!?!!" Zelena showed up, with of course ten presents for Molly on a normal poker night. "Stop spoiling her," Killian said. "Oh hush, I'll never listen to you," Zelena scoffed.

The group maintained their poker night, and Molly and little Leo (Tiana and Drew's boy) played and rushed around, being allowed to stay up. 

Molly came to snuggle and kiss her parents throughout the evening, going between playing with her best mate. 

"Ok, how many cards Regina?" Killian asked. "Two," She flipped two down in front of her. He looked at her and closed one eye, examining her. "What?" She defends. 

"Mmm, you aren't going to win," He smiled. "I think she already won what she wanted from you," Tiana mused.

"She has a point," Regina smiled. 

As they said goodbye to everyone, the kids were both passed out. Killian held Molly on his shoulder.

"Night neighbors," Regina said quietly as Drew carried Leo across the hall, with Tiana. 

"Well hi Neighbor," Regina smiled and kissed Killian, placing her hand on Molly's back. Molly stirred cutely against Killian's shoulder. 

"You owe me, I won that last hand," Killian teased raising his brow. "I have a nice way to pay you once you put her down," Regina grinned deviously. 

The END 

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