Chapter 9 Picture

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"You get me a nice camera and you take a picture on it? I hope it's a nude," He grins playfully and clicks it on. Regina smiles at him silently as he looks at the screen to see the digital image. "Oh my god," He breathes. 

"Well?" Regina shrugged cutely and anxiously at him, as his eyes lifted from the screen to hers. "It's.... a sonogram," he muttered. "Yeah, you're going to be a father," Regina smiled ear to ear at him. 

"I thought a nice camera would be a  cute and romantic gift, we can make memories of their whole life starting with that first picture of them," Regina smiled. Killian beamed with joy and took her chin gently for a kiss.

"Ok what am I seeing? They're really tiny right?" He asked. "Yeah they're about a peanut size right now," She answered pointing to the white area on the image. 

"Did you tell anyone else?" He asked. "No not yet, figured you would be the first, since it's yours, plus Tiana can't keep a secret," Regina mused. "Zelena is going to go nuts, she's always wanted a munchkin to spoil," He chuckled. 

"What?" Regina chewed slowly over their dinner as Killian just kept gazing at her. "Nothing, just you look even more beautiful," He smiled. "Oh I can get used to this for nine months," She smiled. 

"Having my baby is a wonderful way of saying how much you love me," He smiled. "Well I obviously do love you, at least tolerate you," she teased. "Wow, gonna have to tolerate me eighteen years now," He hinted.

"You better not sing that song, it's annoying," Regina stated. "Having my baby..."He started to swoon, "No, don't," Regina placed her finger over his lips. "Mmm," He playfully growled at her. 

"We need to move," He blurted.

"What?" She quirked. "Well how we gonna do this? We have two apartments across from each other, and the baby kinda needs a room that isn't the hallway," He shrugged. 

"Well, I mean we have time, the baby won't be here for nine months," Regina said. "I'm surprised how bloody calm you are," Killian mentioned.

"Oh why?" Regina asked. "Well pregnancy, we're not married, I thought you would be a little more anxious," He evaluated. 

"Well I've had a few more days to get used to it, and it's modern times now, so it's not like that out of the ordinary," She minimized. "Uh huh, don't lie, you want a nice little ring on that finger," he teased.

"Well I don't want to go pushing you to marry me after what is it? Six months?" She asked. "Mm, five and a half," he winked. "Right, Well, exactly," She said. 

Weeks later .... 

"Oh Killian she will love it, and you do do well," Tiana smiled, pleased at the ring in the box. "Thanks, I'm glad you approve," He smiled. "Hey!" Regina called, and Tiana fumbled giving the ring and box back to Killian.

"Hey you mommy bear," Tiana greeted her, "You beat me here," Regina smiled. Killian looked innocent, and handed Graham the ring box behind his back as he circled the bar to hug Regina. 

"How you feeling little bear?" Killian kissed her cutely, "I'm good, Big Bear," she smiled. "You two are so gross," Tiana rolled her eyes. "You shipped us first and whistled at me," Killian teased. "That is true, fine," Tiana scoffed.

"I'm going shopping for that little baby," Tiana giggled. "Now? We don't even have a clue what it is," Regina argued. 

"Well you know what would be really cute?" Tiana asked. "What?" Killian asked. "If one of us had a girl and one of us had a boy," Tiana danced her eyes at them. "Wait what?!" Regina gasped. 

Tiana giggled loudly, "I couldn't wait to tell you!" Tiana shook her head excitedly as Regina hugged her. 

The pair would be moms together only a few weeks different in due dates. 

Months later 

"Regina where..." Killian waltzed out of the bedroom to see her resting her hand on her little belly bump, with the ring on it now, eating peanut butter from the jar. "Hungry?" He asked. 

"MMMMM," Regina groaned with her lips stuck together. "You know they say that boys crave salty things in the womb and girls sweet things, what does peanut butter count as?" he asked.

Regina smacked her lips and licked her finger, "You still trying to figure out what the baby is?" She kissed him with a sticky mouth.

"Little bit, I just kinda want to do their nursery, when we move," He smiled. Regina sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Well just this place is where we met and everything," She pouted. "Yeah but the little one needs a room, because I don't want them interrupting our activities until college age," Killian smiled. 

"I know, just still sad," Regina shrugged. "Don't worry, you'll love the new place," he kissed her cheek softly. 

That day Regina is going through their things and packing up some boxes, and discovered a stash of baby things that Killian bought. 

She discovered little soccer balls, footballs, baseballs, and for whatever reason her heart sank. Regina assumed that Killian was expecting and hoping for a boy, given all the sports things. 

They had bought other neutral things for clothes so far, and a stroller, but finding all the sports things she worried now. 

"Hey look at that cute pregnant woman sitting at my bar, with a ginger ale," Killian swaggered from the back office of his bar to see Regina waiting for him. "Hi," She smiled, and pretended that she was completely fine. 

Killian saw right through it.

"What's wrong?" he asked gently. "I .... nothing.." She shook her head. "No no, you can't fool me, you suck at poker, come on," Killian pleaded a little. 

"You really want a boy, don't you?" Regina asked. "What?" Killian scrunched his nose. "You bought so many sports things," Regina sighs. 

"And?" He shook his head bewildered. "It just seems you want to play ball, and soccer, and all these things with a son," She sighed.

Killian furrowed his brow, "Since when can girls not play all those things?" He asked. "Really?" Regina brightened up at him.

He chuckled, "Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I do the same with my daughter that I do my son?" He shrugged. 

"I mean I don't expect I have to teach my daughter to shave, but," He mused. "Well her legs," Regina hinted. "There you go," He laughed.

"Really? So you got that for either?" Regina asked. "Of course, I want my daughter to be tough and there's nothing she can't do," He said. 

"Are you perfect?" Regina swooned at him. "I try," He grinned. 

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