chapter 3: Locked up and forgotten

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The dance was ending and Iko still couldn't find Amai.He had a feeling Olivia was behind Amai's sudden disappearance.Iko decided to follow her and find out what happened to Amai.
He saw her throw a key in the trash.Iko quickly took the key out of the trashcan.Next he had to go to Quill to ask where the key belonged to.
"So where did you find this?"Quill asked "I saw Olivia throw it away,that and I think she may know what happened to Amai."Iko answered.
Meanwhile Amai was trying to find her way out.Amai shot a ninja star at the metal walls but it backfired and stabbed Amai's hip.Amai yelped in pain.Her hip was bleeding and she felt like she was gonna die.Suddenly Amai heard footsteps coming towards her.Amai barked loudly in hopes that someone would come and save her.She heard the locker being unlocked.
Amai was blinded by the bright hallway lights.Just then Amai saw Iko standing in front of her.He picked her up carefully without noticing her wound.It wasn't until Amai was fully in his arms that Iko noticed the star in her right hip. "Amai what happened to you?"Iko said.Amai whined and licked his arm softly. "It's okay,I'll get help."Iko said.
Iko carried Amai into the nurses office so he could take the star out of her hip.Iko grabbed a first aid kit included with surgical thread and a sewing needle. "Amai I need to pull it out,just hold still."Iko said.Iko pulled the star out as slowly as possible and careful not to break it.Amai kept yelping and screaming in pain so Iko went to get Sirius to help calm Amai down.Sirius lightly pet Amai's head in order to calm her. "Iko hurry up,she's in pain."Sirius said. "I know,I'm trying not to break it in half."Iko replied.Once Iko got the star out he started to sew her wound.After he was done Iko thanked Sirius and took Amai to his bed.

The raven and the dog:sophomore yearWhere stories live. Discover now