chapter 15:finding the cure pt 2

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Lilly set Iko on the floor of the boat.Sirius got in a fist fight with Sky trying to take him out of the air.
After swinging a few punches Sirius finally gave in and used his sleep magic on him to make Sky pass out.Sirius softly set Sky on the floor of the boat and tied him to a post in the cabin.Lilly went ahead and healed Iko's head.Weasly was badly shooken to the point to where he was trembling and sitting against the wall.
"Weasly are you okay?"Sirius asked gently tapping Weasly's shoulder in reassurance. arm hurts...I...think he...broke it."Weasly whined painfully.
"Here let me see..."Sirius replied gently lifting his arm.Weasly winced from the pain in his left arm.
"Don't worry I won't hurt it,it's okay."Sirius said kindly
"R...right...s...sorry"Weasly stuttered.
"It looks like it might take a long time to heal."Lilly said
"Okay..."Weasly sighed.
Perry was watching Sky making sure he wouldn't cause trouble or escape from the ropes holding him down.Sirius went to emotionally cheer up Perry after helping Weasly.
"Perry are you okay?"Sirius asked concerned for his friends emotional health.
"I can't believe I fell for a guy like Sky,why am I so stupid..."Lilly groaned
"You're not stupid you're a unique person and the mean personalities of people is not your fault,just try a different look on life."Sirius said supporting Perry.
"Thanks si..."Perry smiled
"Si...heh That's a good nickname."Sirius giggled playfully.
Soon they reached the island Perry stayed on the boat waiting for Iko to wake up.Weasly was the only one who actually knew what the monster cure looked like.
The serum in the cure was red with bits of yellow streamed like a river in a field of roses.

The serum in the cure was red with bits of yellow streamed like a river in a field of roses

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(Sorry if it looks bad...)
Luckily Weasly remembered each log in code to every door in the lab.
In the room with the cure there were tons of boxes filled with the cure even though the boat they came in could only hold three of those 60 pound boxes without slowing the boat down.
They carried three of the boxes to the boat one at a time and returned it to the MCF.Iko was taken home to rest and Perry broke up with Sky and cut all ties to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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