chapter 9:trapped in a nightmare

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After a couple days in the hospital Iko was finally ready to go home.Iko was helped into sweatpants and a comfortable t-shirt before heading home.It hurt Iko's ribs to try to walk so he was given a wheelchair for help moving around.
After they went back to falcon high Quill helped him in bed so he could finally rest without worrying.
Quill asked Amai to watch over him and call if he started to have any hallucinations.
Iko went ahead and fell asleep.Amai wanted to cuddle Iko without hurting or scaring him so she turned to her dog form and laid on his lap.
After a while Iko started to stir and whimper.
Iko started to say things like "Don't hurt me."and "Mom stop!".
Amai tried to wake him up but he was out cold.Iko started crying and whining.
Amai went to find her phone to call Quill .

"Quill I need your help Iko's having a night terror but he's out cold."
"Okay I'm coming,try to keep him calm."
Amai went back to Iko to try to wake him up again.
Amai put her hand on his head.
He felt extremely warm,warmer than his usual temperature.
Quill finally walked in.
"How is he?"
"I think he's sick."
"Is he running a temperature?"
"Yes,he's really warm."
"I tried to wake him but he won't come to."
Quill looked at Iko's face. His skin was pale and he stopped moving.
Iko was still breathing,before he was at least moving but it was like he suddenly gave up.
"What do you think is wrong?"Amai asked
"I think he might be trapped in his own nightmare."Quill answered
After many attempts of trying to wake Iko up Quill finally called the nurse to check what's wrong.
It took a few minutes for the nurse to finally reach the dorm room.The nurse was holding something that looked like chest medicine but instead of on his chest she put a small bit on his forehead.
"He'll wake up in a few minutes."
When Iko got up he still felt sick and very cold.
"D...did I fall asleep?"Iko asked
"Yes,you kept having nightmares."Quill answered

The raven and the dog:sophomore yearWhere stories live. Discover now