chapter 6:hallucinations

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Laya had injected Iko with a medicine that made Iko see things.Iko began to see creatures and monsters.Some of the monsters had melted faces while others had clumps of bloody flesh and matted fur falling off their bodies.Iko screamed in utter horror. "Oh don't worry it might only last a week or so."Laya said evily.
Meanwhile Quill found a way to track Iko by using his phone.When Quill opened the app a map appeared with a lake.A small red dot with Iko's name above it appeared on the island in the middle of the lake.Quill texted Amai that he found Iko.
Quill:I found Iko.I need you to gather up your friends and meet me at Dragon cove.
Amai:okay will be there in a few minutes.
Meanwhile Laya's henchmen were not agreeing with how she was treating Iko. "We have to help the boy escape,it's not right for her to treat her son with such torment."Carlson said. "I know,my mother would never treat me as if I was a test rat."Leggy replied.(his nickname is leggy because he has one robot leg.)
Later Leggy and Carlson went to unbound Iko. "If he starts to fight we'll knock him out."Carlson said.As they picked up Iko he started to scream and panic at the sudden touch of another person.Leggy kicked Iko in the stomach hard enough to render him unconscious. "There,now what do we do?"Leggy asked "Now we find a way out of here and maybe take him to people that'll help him with his current injuries." Replied Carlson.
Soon it was late at night when Quill and the others rented a night boat to get to the island.Everyone was tired and the boat had a slow motor so it would take about a couple hours to get there. "You five should rest until we get there,it's going to be a slow ride."Quill said. "What about you?"Amai asked. "I'm staying up so I can drive the boat."Quill answered.

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