Joe- Twenty Seven

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Today's going to be massive

That was the biggest thought running through Joe's head, as he stretched and woke up on his 27th Birthday. Not only was it his 27th birthday but it was also the proper launch show of Strictly Come Dancing 2018, where every one of his fans, family, friends and the entirety of the general public would find out who he was partnered with. He himself, of course, knew what girl was going to have to whip him into place and get his two left feet to suddenly become a left and a right. But he was incredibly happy with the producers' choice and was secretly looking forward to his first proper day.

He relayed these thoughts to his phone, he was, naturally, Vlogging the whole day, and then got out of bed, eager to start his day and open his present form his dad.

So, still armed with the phone camera he made his way out of the room and onto the landing where the first disaster of the day laughed mockingly at him. The near 40 balloons that he had spent the previous evening inflating with helium had all given up and were either deflated on the floor or on their way to being that way.

"what a start to 27, typical," he voiced to the viewers, filmed a few more bits of party prep he had done and then got to opening the gift that his dad had left as well as the cards.

50 minutes later, saw him sticking his plate in the dishwasher, cards and present displayed on the counter, for all of his guests to see when they arrived later. It also saw a knock on his door that could mean only 1 thing, his sister and Alfie were here to save the day and hopefully help him get properly set up for the festivities.

"Joe, who is it? You have to tell me," Zöe said, almost the minute she had come in, coat still on.

"Nope, I don't actually, you've waited 6 days, surely you can wait like 8 more hours." Joe said, once he had hugged his sister, still surrounded by the crude balloons that still weren't floating.

"It's Janette, I know it." Zöe continued to pester, the list of the female professionals now back up on her phone.

"I'm not telling," he shook his head, before adding, as he watched his sister turned to his roommate, "neither's Byron, so don't even try it."

"ugh." She sighed, before noticing the balloons on the floor, "what happened to your balloons?"

"No idea, but I need your creative genius to find a way to display them so they're not crap," he said which mad her laugh and immediately suggest ideas of how to fix it, all of which Joe was open to.

At 6:30, with Joe slightly drunk, the guests started arriving and his flat became a vessel for everyone from Kate Silverton to his new dancer friends to his next-door-neighbour who wasn't famous in the slightest. Most importantly his dance partner was there, blended into the crowd of people, introducing herself as a strictly professional and not as his dance partner much to the dismay of Zöe. Having welcomed everyone, made sure they had a drink and found somewhere to sit, Joe squashed himself in between Kate and Oli and sat with bated breath, as Strictly Come Dancing began, much to the excitement of all who were squashed into his living room, balanced on the sofa or sat on the floor, drinks in hand.

"Up next is social media star Joe Sugg." The crowd heard Tess announce, causing an explosion of cheers and excited chat.

Joe felt several hands squeezing his shoulder or nudging various body parts, as they listened to him describe what he did for a living and quite how awful he presently was at dancing.

Knowing everyone was focused on what he was saying on the TV and not on him, he snuck a glance at Dianne who was sat next to AJ, coincidentally looking at him, a knowing smile playing on her red tinted lips. In that moment, his voice in the background, Joe noticed, not for the first time, quite how stunning she was and quite how many butterflies she was causing to erupt in the depths of his stomach. And, notably, quite how much he fancied her.

Zoning back into the TV and away from his redhead , he was now stood next to Tess, as she said "the girl who will keeping you inline, when you're not online is..." the room was the quietest it had been the entire night, as everyone waited for Tess to speak again.

"Dianne," there was suddenly tumult in the room and Joe again found the various hands congratulating him, as he stood up to hug Dianne, the pair leaning over quite a few people to get to each other. The hug was shot and sweet, but butterflies and warmth spread through Joe as a result. And to no one else's knowledge, Dianne's body reacted much the same way.

Birthday- Joe and Dianne One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now