Joe- Thirty

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"Di, are you back yet?" Joe shouted, as he entered their house, which they had moved into only a few weeks before, "hi Hugo boy, is Mummy back yet?" 

"SURPRISE!!!" Joe jumped a mile, as he entered his kitchen living room, and saw all of his friends and family jump out from various bits of furniture.

"Oh my god, I'm so confused," Joe said, as he held onto Hugo's collar so he didn't jump. 

"Happy Birthday my love," Dianne said, kissing him quickly. 

"What is this?" He asked, as people started to form a circle around them.

"Well, when I asked you what you wanted to do, you said you weren't bothered, which of course is classic you. So I decided, that I would throw you a party and show you how many people love you. Happiest 30th birthday my love,"

"Thank you all for coming, I presume this one has got drinks and stuff so party away, I'm sure I'll speak to you all at some point," Joe said to the room, there was a murmur of laughter and the crowd did start disperse. Joe turned to Dianne, still grinning, "thank you Di, this is amazing, how was work?" He asked, she was in rehearsal for the first live show at the moment, they were recording it the next day.

"Same old, how was your day?" Dianne asked, they walked over to the couches to catch up, lost in their own word. From the outside it looked like they were oblivious to the party. Perhaps they were.

"Nice, Zo and Alf took me out for dinner and then I met mum. She asked about grandkids again, and weddings. Wait," Joe paused looking at her, "was mum a distraction you could do all this?"

"Well yeah, but I promise I didn't tell her to bring up those conversations. I would be open to both though," she reminded him, patting his leg.

"I know you are," Joe laughed.

Dianne was about to reply with some witty quip when they were interrupted my someone, "if this sight doesn't remind me of all those after parties where we couldn't drag you away from each other, then I don't know what does."

"Ranj, mate, how are you," Joe stood up and hugged him.

"Not bad, not bad, how are you, how's 30 treating you?" He asked, taking a swig of the particularly pungent liquor in his cup.

"Wonderfully, just want my Di home more often, I've got complacent with having her and now she's back working," Joe said, turning to where Dianne had been, noticing she was no longer there.

"Aww, bless you, it's a gorgeous place you've got here, and plenty of rooms, any plans to fill them?" Ranj asked, looking around the large kitchen.

"In the future yes, I mean we've both said we're open to it but we've got ages to get there. I think it's a ring next," Joe hinted, he was slowly starting to get ready to propose.

"Ooh, very nice, well, I look forward to the wedding, happy birthday Joe," Ranj said, patted him on the shoulder and walked off to speak to Janette and Aliaž, who were tending to a tiny baby.

Joe mingled around and said hi to everyone who had come. About an hour after the start he bumped into Dianne who was holding a baby.

"Look who you've got, I bet your happy," Joe said, kissing her cheek, looking down at the child.

"Hold her Joe," Dianne said, as she deposited her into his arms.

"Hi little Loti, oh your just too cute," Joe cooed, making Dianne melt a little, she couldn't wait for him to be a dad.

"Doesn't she make you want one?" Dianne asked, hopeful.

"She does yes, but, you have work to get done first, but yes it makes me want a baby in the future," Joe nodded.

"Ooh, baby in the future I see, that seems to be the effect Loti has, I just overheard you sister and brother in law talking about babies." Janette appeared next to Joe and Dianne, holding a bottle.

"Yeah, I'd say they're not all that far off. Here, do you want her back?" Joe said, going to hand her over.

"No, well yes but not quite yet, I could do with finding a kettle," Janette said, making them laugh.

"Here, I'll show you," Dianne offered, and left Joe standing in the middle of the party with a baby who was content, sucking his finger.

"Looks good on you bro," Zöe commented, as she walked past.

"You okay there Jonathan, I can take her back if she's making you feel uncomfortable, girls tend to just hand them over." Aliaž came over.

"I'm alright, I mean you can take her if you want, but I'm quite comfortable, it's nice actually," Joe smiled, bouncing Loti, a little.

"Looks like my wife if coming back with her dinner anyway, so I'll relieve you," and he took Loti, meeting Janette at the couch, the pair instantly lost in a baby bubble.

The rest of the night was uneventful, filled with celebrations and reminiscing.

"Thanks for organising that Di," Joe said, watching her take of her makeup from bed, "I'd forgotten how much I miss seeing everyone, what with people settling down."

"Hmm," Dianne nodded, throwing her wipe into the bin, slipping her dressing gown off so she was just in a strappy top and knickers, getting into bed next to him, "happy birthday, I hope we have many more" she yawned into his chest, kissed him and then closed her eyes, the day's efforts, hitting her like a tonne of bricks.

"Love you baby," Joe rubbed her back, under the top.

"Love you too, happy birthday."

Birthday- Joe and Dianne One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now