Joe- Twenty Eight

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"Are you sure it's okay that I'm working today?" Dianne checked, as she zipped up her long sleeve, looking at Joe who was laying in bed a pillow in his arms.

"Of course it is. You have to work, I'm not going to stop you," Joe said, holding Dianne's hand, as she sat down in bed.

"I feel guilty because it's your birthday." Dianne pouted.

"It's fine love, mum's coming up and we've got this evening, so we're fine, don't stress," he kissed her softly, his nose squashing into her cheek.


"Absolutely, I love you, go and smash it, you're going to win this year." Joe said, as she got up and walked around the bed to the door, bathed in the golden sunlight of early morning autumn.


"D'you want to go and watch the end of Dianne's training mum? She's just let me know I can pick her up whenever and she'll keep dancing until we arrive," Joe suggested to his mum, they were walking along the waterfront waiting for Dianne's call that she wanted collecting.

"That would be nice, you're not intimidating his partner are you though?" His mum checked, as they began to walk a different way, towards Dianne's studio.

"What? No! Of course I'm not. He's really good already so I'm hoping Joe makes the final." Joe defended truthfully. He had met Dianne's partner already and was confident that he was happily in love and wouldn't be trying to seduce the woman he wished to make his wife.

"That's good, who is he again?" Tracey asked, as they turned another street.

"He's a presenter on newsround and he does adult correspondence too. I'm pretty sure they've got him and that one from Love Island to bring the audience age down. But yeah he's good so I thing Di's quietly confident." Joe explained, as the studio loomed into view.

"Well that's good then, as long as she's happy. Is it this one?" She gestured to the studio and when Joe nodded said, "d'you know on that Thursday I came to visit you here, I knew you would go all the way."

"That was like week 3 mum," Joe pointed out.

"But I still knew. I mean I also knew that my boy had fallen in love but that's beside the point." She added, whilst they waited to cross the road.

"How? I thought I was good at hiding my feelings but Zöe rang me on that Sunday and was like 'so when are you going to tell her?'" Joe told her, as they reached the door to the studio.

"Mums and Sisters know."

Joe laughed and then addressed the receptionist, "Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me what studio Dianne was in, I'm her Boyfriend?"

"Ah Joe lovely to see you again, they're in 2b, you remember where that is?" She said and Joe nodded in confirmation, thanking her before walking down the hallway, his mum right behind him.

Joe wrapped his knuckles on the door and paused waiting for a reply. When he got on, relatively quickly because the music was paused, he opens the door and smiled seeing his girlfriend, adjusting the head of her partner who was stood in hold on his own.

"Hello Birthday boy," she said, glancing over her shoulder, still correcting his posture.

"Oh happy birthday Joe, I had no idea," her partner said, a strained look on his face.

"Oh and Tracey, how are you?" Dianne craned her neck further to see his mum who was stood behind Joe her face slightly covered by the shadows.

"I'm good how are you Dianne?" Tracey replied, as Joe thanked the man.

"Fantastic, but I need your son to help me demo something," she raised her eyebrows as if to ask Joe. As a response he walked forward towards them, telling his mum to within one of the chairs. "Could you get into hold for me bub?" Joe nodded, threw his coat onto the floor and got straight onto hold like it was second nature because, he supposed, it sort of was.

"Okay, Ryan, see you Joe elongated his fingers and drops his shoulder and" she kept pointing things out but Joe zoned out, enjoying their closeness, which he had undoubtedly missed.

"Really get into your knees, it helps, trust me," Joe said coming back into the room, as her hands left him a th got back into hold with Ryan.

"Joe can you fix his shoulder for him, and his core too," Joe nodded and was soon stood by his mum  watching Dianne go over the sequence of steps she had been teaching.

"Right, if you're happy with how it's going Ryan, I think we'll quit whilst it's ahead." Dianne said 20 minutes later.

Ryan nodded, and began changing out of his ballroom shoes. Once he had left, Dianne properly greeted Tracey with a hug and then moved onto Joe. She stood on her toes slightly, and pulled him into a kiss.

"I missed you," she said, as they got into the awaiting uber, Tracey sat in the front nattering away to the driver, going them a bit of privacy.

"Me too, I've had a good day though," Joe reassured.

"Good, I was so worried you were going to be alone on your birthday. I'm glad your mum wanted to visit." Dianne said, squeezing his hand, she had missed how it felt.

"Nope, but I can't wait to have you back. And also to show you what me and mum bought for the flat today," Joe said with an excited smile. Dianne just smiled at his cuteness and kissed him quickly.

"Happy birthday Darl," she said kissing him again, overcome with the overwhelming thought that she wanted to spend a hundred more birthdays with him.

Birthday- Joe and Dianne One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now