Dianne- Thirty Two

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"So where are we going then beautiful? What memory are you going to share with me today then?" Joe asked, as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, kissing her cheek. They were stood in her living room bare feet on the tile.

"I thought about the marina and then the ice cream place," Dianne told him, turning in his arms, so her chin was on his chest, "which is where I used to go quite a lot after school in the winter when it wasn't nice enough to go to the beach."

"Sounds good birthday girl, do your mum and dad know where we're all going?" Joe asked, brushing her hair back so he could see her face.

"Yep, they said they'd meet us because dad's reffing a match, so we can get going whenever." Dianne replied, taking her hands from behind Joe and stepping back out of the hug.

"Alright then, let's get going soon." Joe said, grabbing his rucksack.

"I'm just going to get our jackets" Dianne said, earning a laugh from Joe, "what?"

"Jackets, we're in bloody Australia, acording to your mum and the thermometer on the porch, it's 20 degrees." Joe said shocked.

"You never know Joseph, it's autumn, I don't have to bring yours if you don't want darl." Dianne said, going to put it back.

"Don't worry about it, babe, I'll go without," Joe said, walking over to kiss her head gently.


"That was the best ice cream I've ever had, ready to g-" Joe stopped, as he looked out of the window in the door to see the pavements covered with water.

"What?" Dianne asked before turning around and laughing, "ha, see I knew it was going to rain. Lol you don't have a coat"

"But we're in Australia," Joe said stunned.

"Did you think it didn't rain here? Course it does we're by the sea, there's storms all the time. Plus, as I said, it's autumn," Dianne explained, as she zipped her jacket up, "lucky for you I packed a brolly because I don't like my hood, so the question now is do I be a nice girlfriend and share my genius with you?"

"No it's fine I'll be okay," Joe said, not wanting to admit his mistake, "where is it were meeting your parents?"

"Just in one of the shops, mum's got something to show me then, I think Mum booked one of those escape rooms, I'm pretty sure it's Home and Away themed. So lucky for you it's all indoors." Dianne explained, as they clasped hands and walked out of the shop, her umbrella going straight up, not over Joe's head.

"At least it's warm," Joe said through slightly gritted teeth.

"Mmm" Dianne nodded, purposely tilting her umbrella so the run off was landing directly on his shoulder.

"Can you stop doing that babe?" Joe asked, moving further way from her, their hands still connected.

"What?" Dianne asked blindly.

"Tilting your umbrella so it drips on me, it's mean." Joe pouted, looking at her.

"Oh, sorry," she said, squeezing his hand as an apology, tilting her umbrella the right way.


"Oh Dot don't be mean share your brolly. " Rina said, nodding to Joe who was walking ahead with Mark, still coatless.

"I offered mum, he's being stubborn because he didn't think it was going to rain even though I told him it was." Dianne explained, her mum pulling on their linked arms to move her out of the way of a drenched cyclist.

"Ah, you should still put it over his head, be the better person," she suggested, readjusting her own brolly slightly.

"I guess," Dianne shrugged, "come on then mum let's catch up with them,"


"I'm sorry for not believing you with the coat thing," Joe said, as Dianne threw him a towel later on, his hair still soaked, even though they had been in a car with the heater for 10 minutes.

"Eh, it's okay, I'm sorry for teasing you," Dianne apologised back, as she pulled Joe's hoodie over her head.

"I deserved it, so, how was your birthday?" Joe asked, stepping forward so she was now inbetween his arms.

"One of the best, thanks for surprising me with the trip, and getting me here 4 days before my birthday so I wouldn't be her lagged. I really appreciate it," Dianne said, standing on her tip toes, because Joe was still in his shoes, and kissing his cheek.

"I knew you had really been missing home so I thought I'd bring you here even through we were only here in January." He explained, brushing her hair back a little so he could see her now makeup free face.

"You're amazing," she said, kissing his other cheek this time.

"I love you," Joe responded, moving his head so it was now their lips that touched. Dianne smiled into the kiss, still not used to him saying that after more than 2 years.

Birthday- Joe and Dianne One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum