Dianne- Thirty One

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"Fuck me, you woke up before me again?" Joe groaned, as he saw his girlfriend's hazel eyes inches away from his face.

"Yes, I can't help it. Now kiss me, I know I'm old but I deserve a kiss." Dianne pouted, moving her head forward so their noses were touching.

"31 is not old but sure," Joe smiled, kissing her gently, brushing her hair back. "You look beautiful as ever by the way," he complimented, after a short silence descended on them.

"You always know how to make me smile don't you?" Dianne replied, laying her head on his shoulder.

"It's my job," he smiled, "happy birthday my dear, what would you like for breakfast?" Joe asked her, know she had to be up and out for work in less than 2 hours.

"Hmm, maybe a poached egg? Ooh or some pancakes, hmm I don't really know." She concluded making him chuckle and sit up.

"We'll I had a thought," Joe began.

"That's dangerous stuff that" she mocked, earning herself an eyeroll.

"Anyway, I thought maybe we could get ready quickly and go to Mouse and get breakfast there before you go to work." He suggested, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Sounds wonderful, before anything though I need to play my music and make sure I have the choreo right for today. Is that okay?" Dianne said to him, grabbing her phone.

"Of course," Joe nodded, as the music for the choreography flooded their bedroom.

"Do you fancy a dance Joe?" She asked him, getting out of bed. Joe nodded and soon they were doing all of the basic steps to a waltz without moving from one spot. She couldn't remember a time she had been happier.


"I love you so much, thank you for the best birthday ever" she said later, as they sat eating their pancakes in the breakfast pace.

"Already? It's only nine and you've not even opened your gifts." Joe reminded her, surprised this she had said this.

"Yep, it was already the best birthday ever before we had even got out of bed." She smiled, reaching a hand out to wipe some cream off Joe's cheek.

"Soppy," Joe laughed before he kissed her. This girl made him so dizzy and he was not about to do anything about it.

"Okay, I'll meet you at home at 4 then?" Joe double checked, as the pair stood outside of the shop, Joe was vlogging. Dianne nodded and kissed his cheek, saying goodbye to him. No looked at his camera, as she walked away and then said "mission surprise Dianne and make her year is on."

He walked in the opposite direction back towards his flat. Once he was back, he started vlogging again, showing them the office. Where there was a pile of colourful items all to do with Dianne's surprise. "By now you've probably guessed what I've got her but in case you haven't," he paused, not believing he was saying this, "we're getting a dog!"

"So Dianne and I have been speaking about this for ages and we've had meetings with our site manager and they've said yes to a pet. But I've told Dianne we should wait until she's not doing strictly to get one to throw her off the scent." Joe elaborated.

"Okay so I have to get going down to the car because I've got to pick our little buddy up from a farm in Surrey which is going to take over an hour." Joe said before setting the camera up so his viewers could see him packing a bag for the dog.


"Okay so I've got our precious cargo here," Joe panned the camera across to the front seat where a small Beagle puppy was curled up in a ball.

"He's so cute, I haven't named him yet because I want Dianne to suggest some things. But he's so cute." Joe whispered, stroking the dog's head.

The dog lifted its head and licked joes hand, nuzzling its face into him "he knows I'm talking about him, hi buddy. Come on let's get you back to your mummy, eh?" The dog barked in agreement and Joe put the car into gear, setting up the camera to film his buddy the entire drive.

"Hello," Dianne said entering the house.

"Hi mummy," Joe said coming around the corner with the puppy in his arms, cameras set up everywhere.

"No you haven't, Joe have you? Is he ours?" Dianne asked, immediately taking the puppy off him.

"Yep he's yours, well ours, he's 10 weeks old. He doesn't have a name yet, I thought you might like to." Joe explained, stroking the puppy's ear.

"Aww I don't know what to say, I'm crying on him," she said with a quiver in her voice, making Joe look up. Joe laughed and wiped her tears away.

"He's got lots of toys and stuff they've been hidden in the office," Joe explained, as Dianne carried him over to the sofa, sitting down.

"He's beautiful, what are we going to call you buddy?" Dianne asked, putting her hand under his chin so the dog was looking directly up at her.

"I like it when animals have really normal names. Like David or Steve," Joe said, making Dianne laugh, still crying.

"We are not calling him Steve babe, what about Buddy?" She suggested.

"Nope, I don't want something really common, he'd be like one of three Buddys in his puppy class.

"Okay, what about Hugo then, that's like dog but human," Dianne offered, after a small silence defended on the three of them.

"I love it," Joe smiled, getting onto the dog's level saying, "Hi pup, you're new name is Hugo, do you like it?"

Hugo's tail sagged in response and he licked Joe's face, making him squirm. "Yes Hugo, get him!" Dianne encouraged, which made Hugo turn and start licking her.

"Thanks Joe," Dianne said, once Hugo had settled down again.

"My pleasure love, happy birthday," Joe kissed her to make sure it was real, still not believing that he, not only had a girlfriend, but also a dog too.

Hope you liked that, if you guys have any suggestions for Joe's next birthday (29th) let me know.

Birthday- Joe and Dianne One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now