Chapter 7- Shane's POV

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I'm watching Joey play with Corny and thinking how adorable it is. I never noticed how cute Joey was. Wait, what am I thinking?! Where did these thoughts come from?! I've never liked a guy before. But I can't deny the tingly feeling I felt earlier. I'm starting to feel it again. What is Joey doing to me? I catch myself starting to stare so I stand up and start walking to the kitchen.

"Hey do you want something to eat or drink?" I politely ask.

"Um, water is ok, thank you." He says, still playing with Corny. I grab him a bottle of water out of the fridge and hand it to him.


"No prob." I reply, sitting next to him.

"So...I need to ask you for advice. And I would appreciate it if you didn't freak out..." He said, looking a little nervous.

"Um, ok. Sure. Ask away." I say, kind of nervous myself.

"Ok well...I think I like someone. And they're a close friend so I don't know how they would react. Because what if I tell them and they don't like me back?! Then I've pretty much just ruined an amazing friendship...what should I do?" He frantically asked. I also noticed he's not looking me in the eye.

" they like you, too and you just don't know it...or maybe they don't know how they feel about you." I said, thinking about how I felt about him. Maybe I did like him. I don't know. I've never liked a guy before. I mean, Joey has always been one of my best friends and I do love him, but did I love him that way?

"There's something else I need to say..." He nervously added, this time looking me in the eyes. "I like...a...guy..." He finally said. Was he talking about me?!

"Who is this guy?" I ask. Nervously waiting.

"......" He fiddles with his thumbs.

"Joey? Come on. You can tell me!" I say, getting more and more nervous by the minute.

", Shane. I like you..." He admits. He doesn't look me in the eyes. I sit there for a minute, letting it sink in.

"I wanna try something. Don't freak out." I say to him. I grab the sides of his face and lean in.

"Shane, what are y-" I cut him off by kissing him. Our lips become one. After he realizes what I'm doing, he kisses me back, moving his hand to my thigh. I pull away, but rest my forehead against his.

"W-what was that for?" He asked. He's clearly shocked but also happy. He's blushing so hard, he looks sunburnt.

"I wanted to see if I...I dunno...felt something?" I replied.

"And...did you? He asks. Nervousness plastered on his face.

"...yes..." I said. I kiss him again, this time more passionately. His hand is still on my thigh as the other moves it's way to my hair. I pull away again, this time standing up. I start pacing, thinking out loud.

"What does this mean? What's happening? What's gonna happen?"

"Um Shane? What does this mean?"

"I don't know..." I reply honestly. What does this mean?

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