Chapter 13- Shane's POV

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I wake up feeling unusually happy. Joey's lightly snoring. I hug him tighter against me, loving the feeling of waking up next to him. I creepily watch him sleep (don't judge me!) for a couple of minutes. He starts to stir a little, a concerned look on his face.

"No. No don't. Shane. Please. Don't leave. I love you. Please don't leave me." He whines. Did he just say he loves me?

"Joey. Joey, I'm here. Hey, I'm not leaving." I whisper, trying to shake him awake. He finally sits up, hyperventilating and looking around. He locks eyes with me.

"Sh-Shane?! I thought you left!" He shouts, wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me tightly.

"Joey, I'm not leaving!" I promise him, pulling him by the waist until he's sitting in my lap. "Are you ok? What was that about?" I question him.

"I had a dream-a nightmare-that you walked out and said you were never coming back..." He explains, tears coming to his eyes.

"Joey, I will stay with you for as long as you want me." I whisper in his ear, kissing the side of his head.

"Promise?" He asks.

"Promise." I reply, this time bringing his chin to face me as I kiss him. We lay there like that, him in my lap, until he finally calms down. Eventually, I pick him up and carry him to the couch. (What? I'm a man! I have strength!) He wraps himself in a blanket and sighs.

"Sorry about that. I have bad dreams every once in a while. They used to be, like, 10 times worse than that, but last year I saw a therapist for a couple of months and he really helped. He said my anxiety might be the reason behind the dreams, but there's not much I can do. I'll always have these dreams..." He explains, looking down. I kneel in front of him and grab his hands.

"Don't be ashamed. I understand. When you have these dreams, I'll be here to help. Any time you need me." I squeeze his hands. He smiles at me, tears in his eyes again.

"I don't deserve you." He says.

"You're right. You deserve better, but thank you for choosing to be with me." I smile. He grabs my face and kisses me. Again and again again. Short, soft, sweet kisses.

"You want some breakfast? Oh wait, sorry you want some "eggyanyas?!" I mock him. He laughs.

"That sounds perfect" He says with a big smile on his face. I make my way to the kitchen and find everything to make us some breakfast. As I'm making eggs, I look up at the clock. Wow. We must have been tired. It's almost noon. I finish with our eggs and take them to him. We cuddle on the couch and eat. Laughing and enjoying life. I start thinking about Joey's dream. He may have been asleep but he still said he loved me. Should I tell him he said that? Should I say it to him? I know we just got together but I think I am really falling for him. And fast. I decide to take a risk.

"Do you...remember anything from your dream?" I decide to start there. Maybe he'll remember saying it.

"Yah. We were sitting on couch when you just started yelling at me. You kept saying...'I shoulda stayed with Lisa' over and over again. Then you just...left." He says quietly, almost at a whisper.

"Do you remember...saying anything to me?..." I hint.

"Um...I remember begging you to stay." He says thoughtfully. "Why are you asking this, Shane?" He questions me.

"No reason." I lie, chickening out.

"No, Shane, tell me!" He begs.

" you were dreaming, you...talked." I start.

"Yah. Meghan said I do that." He says, still looking at me nervously.

"Joey, you...said something. And I don't know if you meant it, but I can't stop thinking about it." I continue, starting to get really nervous.

"Ok...What did I say?" He asks.

"You...said...'ILoveYou'..." I rushed out the last part.

"I did?" He asks, a look of horror on his face.

"Yah..." I say, instantly regretting everything. "It's ok! If you didn't mean it I COMPLETELY understand. It's way to early anyway. I mean we just started dating and I haven't even told my family yet and-"

"Shane!" Joey interrupts my rambling. "I...meant it. I just...yah like you said its way too early..." He trails off, looking down. I pull his chin up to look at me. Eye to eye. I smile at him.

"Do you love me?" I tease. He blushes.

"...Yes, Shane. I love you." He finally says.

"I love you too, Joey." I smile like an idiot and kiss him. Slow and deep. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Ugh. Who is that?" Joey asks as he pouts.

"I have no idea." I reply. I get up and open the door.

"Wh-what are you doing here?!" I ask. Shock and worry cross my mind. Joey's sitting on my couch, shirtless. What are they going to think? Oh God. We're fucked.

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