Chapter 16- Joey's POV

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I excitedly rush to Satsuki and get in. I'm so excited that it takes everything I have to drive the speed limit. After what feels like forever, I make it home.  I pull out my keys and unlock the door. I feel awkward just walking in. I don't know why. I mean this is my house.

"Meghan?!" I shout, wondering if she might have gotten tired of waiting for me and went out.

"I'm upstairs!" I hear her shout. Not being able to hold it in any longer, I sprint up the stairs and into Meghan's room. She's sitting on her bed with her laptop on her lap. Not even bothering to ask for permission, I push her over and sit next to her, a big, goofy smile on my face. "Um, ok. What's up with you?" She questions, a confused look on her face.

"Meghan," I say, taking her hand,"I need to tell you something. Don't freak out. Don't hate me. And whatever you do, DON'T TELL ANYONE!"

"Joey...what is going on?" She laughs, squeezing my hand. I take a deep breath in and slowly breath out.

"I'm...I'm with someone." I start, still smiling.

"Oh my gosh, Joey, who?!" She sits up straight and has to rush to grab her laptop as it almost falls to the floor.

"This may shock you. Or it may not. But you're my best friend and I want you to be the first to know." I pause, taking in her reaction. She seems supportive, almost excited, as if she knows what's coming. "I'*sigh* and Shane are together." I stutter. She squeals and clasps her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my gosh! For how long?!" She squeals. I laugh and start to tear up. No surprise there. Gosh, Joey, you're the biggest baby ever!

"Um, about two weeks?" I estimate.

"Is that where you've been?!" She gasps. 

"Honestly, Meghan, I forgot I even lived here. I was so, I don't know, hypnotized by Shane that I forgot about the, that didn't sound that cheesy in my head." I laugh at myself for being so cliche.

"Aww! I'm so happy for you, Joey! You're, like, glowing. Honestly, I've never seen you this happy. I kinda suspected you had a thing for him, but I never asked. Wow. My little Joey's growing up!" She giggles. I playfully slap her arm. I feel my phone go off in my pocket. I pull it out and smile.

New Text Message from: Boifrenn❤

Hey sexy Went to go to talk to my mom. Just wanted to let you know in case you got home before me. Love you

My heart flutters. Out of love and also out of nervousness. He's  really about to tell his mom, the most important person in his life, that we are in a relationship. I text him back.

J: Good luck! Just told Meghan. She's happy for us Love you more

S: Great! Tell her I said hi! Love you most

J: She says hi. She also invited us to dinner sometime. Also I think I'm gonna spend the night at home. But I promise I'll be at your place bright and early! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

S: Call me later?

J: Of course!

We exchange a couple more love you's and kissy faces before I finally put my phone back in my pocket.

"Ok. I told and I was staying at home tonight, so it's just me and you, Meghansan!" I report excitedly.

"Yay!...anime time?" She asks.

"Anime time!" I shout as I jump off her bed and down the stairs, her following not far behind.

We watch anime for a couple of hours. We snuggled on the couch chatting and catching up on eachothers lives. We haven't been apart for that long, but apparently it was long enough. I think about how much I missed her, which leads me to think about how much I miss Shane.

"I'll be right back. Gotta call Shane." I explain, hopping off of the couch and onto the back porch. I dial his number fast, as if it was as natural as eating or breathing. He picks up on the third ring.

S: Hey!

J: Hi! How's it going?

S: I don't want to tell you.

J: Um, why?

S: *Shanaynay voice* Because that's none of your dayum business!

J: Ha! Whatever! I don't wanna know anyway!'ll tell me tomorrow, right?

S: Yes, I'll tell you tomorrow. Now go back to Strawburry. I love you. 

J: I miss you already, you too. Remember! I'll be there bright and early!

S: I miss you too. See you tomorrow...bye.

J: Bye!

I hang up and walk back inside. Sitting down next to Meghan, I sigh contently. Meghan looks at me and smiles. 

"You love him?" She asks.

"I do. I truly do."

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