Chapter 15- Shane's POV

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I put my shirt back on and listen to Joey and Meghan chat. Joey's kind of just pacing around the room when he pauses.

Joey: Meghan, can you hold on a sec?

Joey presses the mute button and looks at me. I look at him, giving him a look as if to ask what's up. "Shane, I trust Meghan with my life," he starts off, coming to sit next to me on the couch, "and she's one of my best friends-my sister. I completely understand if you don't want to but...can I please, please tell her?" He begs. I smile at him.

"Only if she SWEARS not to tell a soul. I swear, Joey, if this gets out-"

"IT WON'T, SHANE! I PROMISE YOU WON'T REGRET THIS!" He interrupts me. He pecks me hard on the lips and jumps back up, pressing talk on the phone.

Joey: Hey, sorry, I'm back. Do you wanna grab lunch and talk? I have some good news I need to tell you!

Meghan: I actually just made lunch. Why don't you come home and we can eat and hang out?

Joey: Ok! I'll see you in a little bit!

Joey hangs up the phone and and practically makes it to the couch in one leap. He plops and my lap and laughs. Both of us just stare with giant smiles on our faces. I kiss him. Not like before. This kiss is sweet, soft, and loving.

"I adore you, Joey Graceffa." I simply state. He glances away, blushing.

"I should be getting ready to go, I guess." He sighs. A thought comes to me.

"Hey. Since you're going over to tell Meghan, do you mind if I go over and...tell my mom?" I ask. I'm nervous to hear what he says. He smiles.

"You want to tell your mom about us?"

"Well yah. I mean, I plan on being with you for a long time, so she needs to find out at some point."

"You plan on being with me for a long time?" He asks, tears coming to his eyes. The smile returns to my face.

"Yes. Yes I do." I reply. He kisses me hard and then sighs.

"I want to go tell Meghan, but I don't want to leave!" He grumbles.

"Joey, we both need to get off our lazy asses and get ready!" I say as I pick him up and carry him to the bedroom. I slam him on the bed and laugh as he squeals. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower. I undress down to my boxers before I realize Joey's standing in the doorway watching me.

"Damn, boy." He says. I blush, which is strange for me. "Hold on! Did I, The King of Blushes, just make you, Shane Dawson, blush?!?!" He questions me, shock and amazement crossing his face.

"Shut up!" I say, trying to cover my embarrassment. I stand there awkwardly in my boxers, not knowing whether to look at Joey or at the floor. "Um...I'm know...hop in the shower now."

"Oh. Right. Sorry." He apologizes and walks out of the bathroom. I stand there for a second when a crazy idea pops into my head. I take off my boxers and get in the shower. I close the door and smile.

"Joey?!" I shout to him.

"Yah?" He shouts back. I can tell he's right outside the closet.

"Come here." I say, letting the water run over my head. He hesitantly walks into the bathroom. He must have been in the middle of changing because he only had his jeans on.

"Take your pants off." I don't know what I'm thinking. I don't know what I'm doing. And I don't care.

"Wh-what?" He stutters.

"You heard me. Take your damn pants off." I demand.

"Shane, wh-"

"Joey, do I need to come out there and take your pants off for you or are you gonna take off your pants and get in this fucking shower with me?!" I shout, laughing. He laughs.

"Yes, master." He says as he starts to unbutton his jeans. He slides them down, along with his boxers, not once breaking eye contact. He takes two steps towards the shower and pauses.

"Shane, what are you thinking in that messed up brain of yours" He asks.

"I'm thinking how sexy you look standing there, naked, in my bathroom. I'm also thinking that if you don't hurry up, get in my shower, and stick your fucking tongue down my throat that I might not talk to you ever again." I shouted and laughed. And with that he took two steps, opened the shower door, and gave me what I wanted. We stood there under the water, my arms around his waist, his arms around my neck. I don't know what's going to happen. I always said I was going to wait until I was married it. I made Lisa wait and we were together for almost three years! Lisa and I have never done anything like this. Maybe we weren't in love like me and Joey. I did love Lisa, but we had a different kind of love. We took things very slow. When it came to our relationship we were kind of like an old married couple. Sometimes it was a good thing. Sometimes it wasn't. With Joey, I feel alive! Yah, I know, cheesy right?! It's true though.  With Joey the cliches just roll in. Our love is so young and crazy and spontaneous. We may be moving fast, but I don't care. Sometimes you just need to do crazy things in your life. And trust me. I will.

Our makeout session started to get really hated. I thing Joey started notice too. 

"Shane?" He moans.

"Hm?" I ask, kissing down his jaw and neck.

"I think we should...stop." He says breathlessly.

"Why?" I ask, pausing to look into his eyes.

"Because...I know you wanted to wait' 'til marriage. I don't wanna change that. " I can't help but smile at him.

"Thank you for understanding. That's another reason...Lisa left." I admit. He plays with my hair, thinking. 

"Shane," he starts, hesitating, as if he's searching for the words, "I-I really love you. I have for a very long time. Now that I finally get to be with you, I don't want to do anything to jeopardize it. Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"I'm...I'm a virgin too..." He admits.

"Really?" I ask, surprised.

"Yah. I guess I have almost the same values as you. Wait until you fall in love with 'the one'. Although you may be 'the one', I still don't want to move too fast."

"I'm 'the one'?" I ask, flattered.

"Yes, Shane. You are." He smiles.

"I love you." I grab his face and kiss him.

"Shit! I forgot about Meghan!" He shouts. He opens the shower door and jumps out, grabbing a towel and his jeans. I shut the shower off, hop out, and grab a towel. I walk out into the bedroom and find Joey grabbing his phone and his keys.

"I'll be back later, k?" He asks, putting on his jacket.

"Ok. Have fun." He pecks me on the lips and rushes out the door. Well...I guess it's time to go tell mom...

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