Chap 15: Just a Call

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Jaemin's POV:

What the fuck did I just ask?



Read, 1.13a.m.

You're not busy?
Read, 1.14a.m.

Nah, I have nothing
else to do anyways.
Read, 1.14a.m.

No. You must have
something else to do.
Read, 1.14a.m.


Not really, you can
call me.
Read, 1.14a.m.

No, but like, you should
probably be sleeping or
something, you know?
Read, 1.15a.m.

I don't feel sleepy.

Besides, it's been a while
since we talked.
Read, 1.15a.m.

You have to wake up early
for lessons tomorrow?
Yeah, you do. Go sleep.
Read, 1.15a.m.

Why're you suddenly being
so weird? I said it's fine.
Read, 1.16a.m.

Call me.
Read, 1.16a.m.

Are you sure?
Read, 1.16a.m.

Should I call, then?
Read, 1.16a.m.

No, I'm calling. Wait.
Read, 1.17a.m.

Read, 1.17a.m.


I let my phone drop on the bed while I turned over on my back to lay there as the feeling of failure washed over me.

It's done. He'll figure it out.

I let my finger hover over the call button of his contact while I nervously bit my lip. Shutting my eyes, I clicked on it. Its ringing driving me to the edge of madness with how badly I wanted to hear his voice, but that excitement was overshadowed by my nervousness, with how badly I didn't want him to find out it's me who's talking to him.
It's just a call, Jaemin. Calm down.

A click sound, followed by a raspy "Hello?" was enough to make my heart go 80 miles per hour. Words were stuck in my throat, everything I wanted to say and all the emotion I held in for years were on the verge of bursting.

"Hello?" He repeated it.
Am I not saying anything? Why can't I reply?

I took a deep breath and whispered out a squeaky "Hello".

"Why are you whispering?"
He sounds just the same.

"Maybe 'cause it's past 1a.m. and I can't talk loudly?"

"But, don't you live by yourself?"
Shit, I forgot I had to pretend to be Renjun.
More importantly, how did he not figure it out already?

"Yeah, still, my neighbours requested it. It's against the.. apartment laws."

"I guess that makes sense," he said, followed by a long pause -- which is never good, but even worse in my scenario, because that means he's thinking.
Oh god, what could he be thinking about? Did he figure it out? He knows, doesn't he?
"Why're you so quiet, Renjun? You're usually really talkative through text."
Wait. So he didn't figure it out?

"Nothing. I missed you, though." I didn't noticed it, but I had stopped whispering.

"Look at you finally deciding to talk normally. I miss you too but, it hasn't been that long, though," he spoke in his nonchalant tone that he always used to.

"Yeah, it was starting to hurt my throat."
Did he forget my voice already?
Kind of hurts.
I don't know what I would have preferred -- him recognizing my voice or him not figuring this whole thing out.

"Alright. You kind of sound different though."
There it is.

"Maybe because we haven't talked in ages and your memory's trash anyways," I tried brushing it off so he would stop questioning me about that.

"Yeah, I don't know. You sound familiar but not like you usually do."

"What do you mean?"
Fuck, is he already onto me?

"Nevermind, maybe I'm overthinking this. How was your day anyways?"
Oh good, he let it go.

"It was fine. I'm too tired to talk about it now, it'll feel like I'm living through it again."
Not like I've even lived through that a first time.

"Yeah, that's true."
Maybe I should ditch this now before I ruin this even more.

"I think I should probably sleep now though, I'll have to wake up early tomorrow for another rough day," I said, even though I wanted to talk to him all night long but it was too early for that. I needed to go with this for a while more for him to get used to me and used to that fact that he's talking to me.

"Yeah, you should. I should too, I guess."

"You should. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Alright, goodnight then."

"It was nice talking to you though."

"It was."


Thanks for reading. ❤❤❤

Sorry I haven't updated in ages. I'm in college now and I don't have much time for it but I decided I can't just leave this randomly, so I'll be updating whenever I can.

Also, I've been going through my notes for my books and I forgot I wanted to start writing a new book that I really liked the plot of but I'll have to finish these before I do that. Maybe that'll inspire me to write more, idk.

Anyways, thanks for reading this book though, I really mean it. Whoever's still left and hasn't dropped this book cause of how long my last update was, I appreciate you so much. 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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