- I | This Must Be Heaven -

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C h a p t e r  O n e:
T h i s  m u s t   b e  h e a v e n

"Stay down! It's coming this way!"

You look to your left, eyes wide and trained on the attractive man who spoke. He was strange, in a way, you couldn't help but notice. He had an air about him that showed he didn't care for much, which was accentuated by his green jacket and military dog tags that hung around his neck. His hair was dirty blonde and shaggy, and his deep green eyes were wide and alert with a fire that sent shivers down your spine.

There was a flash and the world went white around you, but before you could blink yourself back into focus, you were in a cave of some sorts facing yet another attractive man with dark skin and a slight stubble. His form was strong and sturdy and the football jersey hung loose on his shoulders. What is with this dream and attractive males? You thought helplessly as the man offered you a calloused hand.

"Elena! Give me your hand!"

Again, another flash of brightness, and just as your head began to stop spinning you were greeted by a man who looked to be in his late forties, sprinkles of grey peppering his auburn hair and a silvering beard coating his chin. He smirked at you, and heat from a pool of magma below fanned across your face. "You don't understand, do you? Of course not. But you will... in time."

The plane shuddered violently, jolting you awake. You slowly blinked away the strange dream as your eyes began to adjust to the brilliant sunlight outside streaming through the tiny window and winced as your neck strained to raise from the uncomfortable position it had been in when resting on your shoulder.

The aircraft was still flying over crystal blue waters, with seemingly no destination in mind. "Wow." You muttered to yourself, raising a hand to soothe the throbbing in your head as you blinked once more.

From the seat beside you, your best friend since childhood sent you a goofy smirk as he reached across to ruffle your already messy hair. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty." He sent you a smirk, and you took a moment to admire how he could still look so unbelievably smart in his purple plaid shirt and beige trousers after an eleven hour journey. You, on the other hand, you were certain, looked a complete mess.

"I'm not still dreaming, right?" You asked groggily, blinking once again and narrowing your eyes as he let out a short laugh.

"Doesn't feel real, does it? But we're finally on our way." The happy chatter from the ten other contestant winners crowding the small aircraft drifted towards your ears as your sleep infested brain tried to remember why the hell you were on the plane in the first place.

"One magical week in paradise, here we come!" The girl that spoke was a couple of seats behind you and bouncing excitedly in her seat. She was petite and uniquely small in stature, and her red hair fell down to almost her waist. Her eyes held an almost haunted look as she pressed her small palms against the window.

"All expenses paid, like whaaaaat!" Craig, the boy at the back in the bright orange jersey. Cropped black hair, square jaw, oddly handsome in a standoffish way.

"Good thing, too. I'm so deep in student debt I couldn't even afford instant ramen right now." Diego rolled his eyes playfully at Raj's comment, the large boy with the dark skin and dreadlocks shooting them a goofy half smile as he glanced around the plane. Then it all came back to you. The contest at the college, the excitement on Diego's face when you both got the golden envelopes that welcomed you to a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend a week in the sunny mysterious paradise of the La Huerta Caribbean island, boarding the plane and thinking to yourself do it for Diego. To say you had never been the most... social, person in the universe would be a severe understatement.

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