- XIII | One Of Us Isn't Supposed To Be Here -

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C h a p t e r  T h i r t e e n
O n e  o f  u s  i s n ' t  s u p p o s e d  t o  b e  h e r e

Twenty stories up, you and your friends surveyed the island from The Celestial's rooftop garden.

It was such a beautiful place, with rows upon rows of blossoming flowers of types you had never seen before, the tropical theme maintained through thatched rooftop seats with plush turquoise cushions and water features dotted around, the water glistening in the sun.

All was quiet and peaceful.

When you had first entered the balcony, the sheer beauty of it had knocked the breath right out of your lungs. Or that might have been the fact that the first thing Jake did was pluck a stunning flower with glowing purple leaves from a bush nearby and tuck it into your hair behind your air, smirking that panty-dropping smirk as he did.

Ovaries = kaboomed.

Returning to more pressing matters, you leant over the balcony slightly, eyes squinted as they scanned the trees. "Any sign of them?" You asked, and everyone shook their heads dismally.

"I think we're safe." Sean said at long last, lowering the binoculars he had been using to scout the horizon.

"For now." Jake grumbled. "You saw how they chased us. They'll be coming."

"Then why are they leaving us alone now?" Grace asked, and Estella sighed mournfully.

"The sun's going down. They'll be waiting until dawn." She said.

Michelle scoffed.

"I'm sorry, but who exactly were they?... what were they?"

The strange, muscular figures loomed towards you out of your memory. The leaders golden eyes bored into your very soul.

"They seemed pretty human to me." Quinn shrugged, and you Diego nodded.

"And pretty stylish. What were they doing wearing masquerade masks?"

"I think they're the islands inhabitants." You said after a moment of silence, and Zhara snorted at you.

"Oh my gosh, do you really think so? The people inhabiting the island are the island's inhabitants? Wow, you're real smart." She said sarcastically.

"But Elena's right. One things clear. They must have been here a long time... I just don't know how someone didn't notice them before." Lila shrugged, and Michelle rolled her eyes.

"Just because nobody told you about them, Lila, doesn't mean that they weren't noticed."

"What we do know is that they've been watching us for a long time. They seemed to know me. To know Sean." Jake frowned, and Craig growled angrily.

"Well, whatever these... these 'Watchers' are, they're coming for us. And we'll be ready."

"Craig's right. We gotta barricade ourselves in. Block the entrances. Gather weapons, anything we can use to protect ourselves." Sean agreed, and you nodded quickly.

Michelle, on the other hand, wasn't so quick to persuade.

"Oh, Yeah. Great plan. Then what?! We just established that we've got no help coming, and a giant sea monster won't let us leave." She screeched, and IRIS turned to the group.

"Current analysis does project a 0.4% chance of survival."

"Not helping." You hissed at her out of the corner of your mouth.

"We can't hold these Watchers off forever, so what's the point?" Grace asked sadly, and you placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Doesn't matter. I am NOT giving up. I've never quit on anything in my life and I'm not about to start now." You said firmly.

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