- IV | Cut And Run -

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C h a p t e r  F o u r
C u t  a n d  r u n

In the abandoned emergency shelter, the massive, fanged beast stalked towards you. A growl ripped its throat, and the fine hairs on your arms stood to attention.

"Okay, this is bad." You said, your voice a few octaves higher than usual. You and your friends backed away in terror, mumbling to themselves.

"Niiice kitty." Jake chided shakily, his hand firm in yours.

"This cannot be happening. It makes no logical sense!" Aleister said with wide eyes, staring at the beast with something akin to horror.

"Yeah? You wanna tell it that?" Diego snapped from beside you. Another growl shook the earth, and the fox timidly clambered up your back, shivering in terror. The menacing beast focussed on you, it's eyes alight with a murderous fire, almost as if it remembered you.

"Oh god..." Quinn whimpered, cowering back into the stone wall.

Barring its teeth, the creature loomed closer to you and Quinn, and you could smell the putrid stench of death oozing from its warm breath.

You ripped your hand from Jake's and immediately moved to stand in front of Quinn, separating her and the monster as it let out an ear-shattering roar and swung its paw forward.

"Quinn get behind me!" It's razor-like claws sliced open the skin of your stomach, and blinding pain made the world spin. Blood blossomed from the three diagonal slashes that had tore at your shirt, and you knew the gashes were deep enough to be worried about. It was like knives slashing at your stomach.

Letting out a muffled scream, you slumped backwards into Quinn's trembling arms as Diego shouted your name in horror. "Elena!" Quinn squeaked, her arms moving to steady you.

"It's okay, it's not deep." You lied, gritting your teeth as the creature roared again. It circled you, toying with you.

"The thing is blocking the exit! We have to get around it!" Lila said loudly, pointing at the doors.

"Yeah, good luck with that. No way we're getting past." Jake shook his head, shrugging off his jacket and bunching it against the wound on your abdomen. You hissed in pain at the contact, and he shot you a sorry look.

"There's another door over there! Look!" Diego pointed to your right, where there was indeed another set of massive metal blast doors, wide open and leading to a dimly-lit hallway.

"I say we make a run for it whilst we still can. Seal ourselves inside." Aleister suggested immediately, nodding at Diego.

"You really think we can outrun this thing?" Jake asked angrily. There's no way. You shook your head.

"I really think we don't have a choice!" Alesiter countered.

The creature snarled and lunged, and Aleister was only just able to move out of the way in time. The beast dragged itself closer, five hundred pounds of pure muscle. You backed up slowly into the wall, and your shoulders collided with something metal.

A fire extinguisher.

You were cornered. "Guys it's now or never!" Quinn screamed as the creature, whatever it was, opened its jaws wide and let out a growl of fury.

Play time was over.

Hardly even thinking, you reached behind you and unclipped the fire extinguisher, spraying it at the beast. The freezing gas blast it in the face, blinding it. It let out a howl of fury and staggered backwards, turning sharply away from you.

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