- XV | It Was Not Meant To End Like This -

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C h a p t e r  F i f t e e n
I t  w a s  n o t  m e a n t  t o  e n d  l i k e  t h i s

The bedroom window exploded in a deadly blizzard, a hail of glass, each shard gleaming in the moonlight that streamed from the cloudless sky above.

A familiar figure swung through, landing in a strange cat like position before he straightened. The blue Watcher's golden eyes met with yours, and your blood curdled when he let out an animalistic chuckle as he headed straight towards you.

"Elena! Stay behind me!" Jake ordered, pushing you behind him.

You grabbed his shirt and your underwear and quickly wrestled them onto your body as Jake shielded you completely from the Watchers gaze. You tossed his underwear at him and he pulled them on before doing something that filled you with an uncontrollable amount of fear.

"Jake, don't!" You cried out desperately as Jake lunged towards the intruder.

The Watcher evaded his blows, and ended up winding him by a solid kick to the stomach that had him staggering back. "Raa lashkima. Pren vaantilar un dril khalarat." The Watcher hissed at him as Jake let out a cry of pain.

"Unless that means 'You Order Room Servive?', it's time for you to go, Blues Clues." Jake ordered, climbing to his feet.

"Jake!" You called out of him again, clambering off the bed to try and help, but he called back over his shoulder at you.

"Get back, Elena, I mean it!"

He charged again, wrestling the Watcher to the floor. They grappled and scratched, rolling over each other onto the field of shattered glass until-

All you could see was blood.

The Watcher leapt back in shock, the blood on his hands looking black in the moonlight, slippery and thick. You gagged, your hands flying over your mouth as tears sprang to yours eyes.


Jake let out a shocked noise, a sort of whimper, and you sprinted to his side, ignoring the way that the glass slashed at your skin.

Jake was twitching on the ground, his skin as white as freshly fallen snow and hands shaking.

Blood soaked into the rug.

His blood.

Protruding from deep within his stomach was a massive shard of jaggered glass, drenched in the thick substance.

"N-no! No no no no no!" You whimpered over and over again, your shaking hands hovering over him, uncertain of what to do. Tears leaked over your lashes and began to spill down your cheeks, and you let out a sob when he reached up gently to wipe away your tears.

"Heh... that bad, huh?" He asked gently, his voice sounding weak and raspy.

You remembered what you had read once when you were only eight, how when you were dying of a stab wound or a gunshot wound you didn't believe that there was that much blood in the human body. It seemed impossible. You realised just how true that was now, with the way that his blood seemed to be everywhere. It felt hot and sticky against your exposed skin, and the thought alone made you want to throw up.

"J-just hold on, okay? You're gonna be fine. Y-you have to be. We - we can use those leaves, they're downstairs, I - I can go get them." You dashed to your feet, but Jake grip on your wrist was firm.

"Don't. Don't go. We both know it's too late for that."

"Uhn don markahnis..." The Watcher grumbled to himself, and you were filled with rage. White hot rage that burnt through you like fire.

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