- X | No Escape -

187 4 1

C h a p t e r  T e n
N o  e s c a p e

You and your friends had climbed into the hatch leading to the La Huerta Observatory, your best hope at calling for rescue, but you knew now that the only way to get there was to cross the catwalk over the chamber of bubbling magma, and in all honesty, you weren't overly keen on doing it. Understandable, of course. I mean, there was literally the risk of falling into a giant. Sea. Of. Lava.

Why lava, of all things? Yes, you understood that you were in a volcano, and yes, you understood that it was a volcanic island, but seriously. Why couldn't the volcano have been as messed up as the rest of the goddamn island and have been filled with water or butterflies or some shit like that, not fucking magma.

"So, we're really doing this, huh?" Zhara asked anxiously, sounding as nervous as you felt.

Again, lava. Seriously.

You glanced around for any other option and came up empty handed. "I don't see any other way in..." You said. Furball let out a whimper of... fear? Discomfort? It was hard to tell. Either way, the tiny creature huddled closer to your legs and cast a welcoming chill across your calfs.

"Okay, but I mentioned my debilitating fear of heights, right? Because I have a debilitating fear of heights." Grace whimpered, clasping her hands together nervously and wringing her fingers around the sleeve of her jumper.

How the hell is she surviving in that thing right now?

"Heights I'm fine with. Pools of bubbling magma? Not so much." Jake shook his head as he glared distastefully down at the frothing lava. He placed a hand on your elbow and tugged you in front of him slightly,

"I mean... someone put these catwalks here, so that means that they're probably safe, right?" You pointed out.

Michelle scoffed. "Yeah, but how long ago was that? Who knows if they're still safe?"

"Guys, we've come too far to turn back now. Let's just do this." Sean suggested, and Zhara shoved him forward.

"You first then."

Your eyes scanned the group for someone who had been rather quiet lately, but Estella was nowhere to be seen.

"Actually, her first." Craig pointed. You turned around to see Estella halfway across the catwalk already, an amused bored expression on her face.

"There's still time to turn back. If you're too scared, that is." She shrugged, and turned around to continue the path across. The catwalks barely even swayed beneath her.

"Well... when you put it like that..." Sean nodded and took a step forward, following after her. One by one, the whole group set out across the catwalk. It swayed and buckled slightly under your weight, but held firm.

"Heh... this isn't so bad." Craig smiled, and you would have facepalmed if you wasn't so concentrated on gripping the rails for dear life.

Way to jinx it.

Just then, the ground beneath you tumbled and the whole cavern shook. The magma pool sizzled and seethed, huge bubbled scorching up towards you.

"Just had to open your big mouth, didn't you Craig?" Zhara yelled over the roar of the rising lava. One of the bubbles burst, sending sizzling rivulets of magma flying your way.

Grace screamed, and Sean pushed the group forwards.


You all took off in a full sprint towards the edge of the catwalk. It shook and rattled... and a massive geyser of magma erupted, burning straight through the catwalk. Behind you, Michelle tripped and fell onto her knees.

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