- III | All Kinds Of Crazy -

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C h a p t e r  T h r e e
A l l k i n d s o f c r a z y

Darkness. Cold, quiet, still. And then, something stirred, moving towards you out of the darkness.

With a terrified gasp, you broke away from the heavy tendrils of your not so refreshing sleep still clinging to you, cold sweat beading your now damp forehead.

It's not real. It's not real. It's not real.

You mouthed the phrase to yourself in fear over and over again until they smeared together and lost their meaning, blurring into reality until you could no longer tell which was which.

Your quiet footsteps thudded their way to the small bathroom, and you shivered slightly as your feet touched the cold stone-like floor. You flicked on the too bright lights with shaking hands, revealing your too pale reflection and the dark smudges underneath your eyes showing your severe lack of sleep.

You sighed as you splashed your face with frigid water, as if you could wash away the nightmares that bled into reality, that clung to you even when you was awake. They stuck like dirt underneath your unpainted fingernails, but scrubbing your hands until they were raw would not get rid of the horrid memories. You had hardly sleep at all last night due to the nightmares. They all had typical plot lines, similar to those of B-grade horror movies, but that didn't make them any less horrifying. In fact, it only made you more terrified when you finally escaped the horrors of your nightmares.

You knew at this rate that there was no chance in hell of her succumbing to the sweet relief of dreams again, dreams which would quickly bleed into nightmares that would have you repeating the restless cycle.

You sighed shakily, your hand reaching up to run a hand through your wavy auburn hair as you patted your face harshly with the towel, almost as if you were hoping that the tough material would scrape away the fear.

Michelle, who was rather skilled in the medical area and was undergoing the training to become a doctor, had looked you over last night and concluded that you were suffering from a nasty gash on your shoulder and a mild concussion.

Yay, just what I needed.

You thought bitterly. The memory of that thing you saw still haunted you.

"God, what was that?" You muttered to yourself, sitting down gingerly on the end of your bed. You shook your head and got dressed into a pair of high-waisted denim shorts and a cherry coloured tank top before heading down to breakfast, running a hand through your hair again.

You were greeted with a chaotic scene.

"Raj, when you said you were making breakfast, I figured, you know, pancakes and bacon or something. Not... what is this again?" Sean asked, prodding the monstrosity piled up onto his plate with his fork and an expression of apprehension.

"The Raj Hangover Special 3000. A perfect scramble of eggs, potatoes, oysters, and bananas, topped off with pickle juice!" You gagged at Raj's words, shaking your head.

Even the slight action made you feel sick to your stomach.

"Trust me, dudes. It'll cure your hangover faster than you can say 'this tastes gross and weird.' Try it!"

"This tastes gross and weird." Jake said immediately, glaring with disgust down at the food.

"I do not want this in my place, I do not want this in my face." Zhara grumbled, pushing her own plate away from her.

"Y'all are missing out, this shizz is delicious!" Craig said over a mouthful of food.

"I once saw you eat a rock." Michelle pointed out, wincing at Craig in sheer revulsion.

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