- Epilogue -

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E p i l o g u e
T h e  r u n e s  a r e  t h e  k e y

Eventually, your tears had dried up, and with numbness coursing your veins the others had finally managed to goad you inside.

In all honesty, you were surprised they had all stayed by you, comforting you and helping you, as you bit back bile and sobbed for twenty minutes or so.

Then again, you were sure that separating was the last thing any of you wanted to do at the minuet.

"We need to get some rest. We'll regroup when everyone's awake, but it's no good doing this when we're all exhausted." Sean suggested, and everyone else agreed.

You stayed silent.

Turning towards the stairs towards your room, you sighed, running a shaking hand through your hair. You were vaguely aware of eyes boring into you from behind, and the next thing you knew, a gentle hand was on your arm and you were staring into the face of the pilot you had grown to adore.

"Come with me for a second, Princess." He ordered softly, smiling at you gently as he led you over towards the living area.

"Where are we going?" You asked, and you saw him wince slightly at the dull and monotone effect on your voice.

"Just to the couches over there. Come sit with me."

You do as you were told and accept as he gently guided your head down to his lap, running his fingers skilfully through your hair and massaging your scalp.

Your eyes fluttered shut as you suppressed a yawn. "I-I'm not tired. Jake, I don't wanna - I don't wanna sleep -"

"Just for a moment, okay Princess? Your sidekick's not here to take of you, so I'm taking over temporarily." When he saw that you hesitated, resolve weakening, he moved his hand to trace the outline of your face instead.

"Please? I care about you, darlin'. I'm not gonna let you throw away your own health."

Sighing and nodding, you snuggled in closer to his stomach and shut your eyes, surrendering to the soothing feeling of his fingers running through your hair.

"You okay, luv?" He asked gently, and you hesitated when nodding.

"Yeah. I think so. Just... don't leave me? Please?"

He leant down to kiss your forehead softly. "Never."

"We should split up. Search the hotel. It's completely abandoned... it looks like the Watchers just gave up." Sean frowned, and you nodded mutely.

You didn't have the energy or want to join in on the planning.

An hour had passed, and the group had regrouped, half of them complaining that the Watchers had ransacked their suitcases and tore like a tornado through their rooms.

"I'll keep an eye on her." You heard Jake mutter, and it hardly occurred to you that you had missed half of what you were sure was a rather important conversation.

You weren't bothered enough to mention it, though.

"Won't let anything happen to her." He took your hand, placing a small and unnoticed kiss to your forehead as he laced your fingers together.

Estella wandered over to you and Jake, frowning thoughtfully. "Wonder what they've got over there?" She jerked her head to the left, at the desk, where IRIS and Aleister were huddled over a crumpled piece of paper.

You shrugged and made to follow her to find out, but Jake gently pulled you back.

"Hey." He said softly, pulling your chin up and cupping you face so you were staring him in the eye. "Are you gonna be okay?"

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