The Hoodie

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     I woke up with Peter's arms still wrapped around me. Oh dear goodness, what have I done. If people found out that I slept with- no let's try again- I fell asleep in the same bed with Peter Parker, the rumors would spread like a fire. This is bad. Very bad. Or is it? Yes! Of course it is! Except... it isn't. I've liked him for... at least two years now maybe more, and maybe this was the world's way of telling me he likes me back. No. No, I won't let myself get sidetracked by this I have a meeting with... oh no. My meeting with the Avengers!
     I checked my phone, I had 20 minutes. Not good. I scrambled to freshen up, I didn't have any clean clothes to wear which wasn't a problem until I spilt coffee on my shirt while talking with Peter.
     "Oh no! Y/N your shirt! You can't go into your interview like that!" Oh yeah, I told him I had an important job interview, you know like a liar? He then rushed out of the room, and came back with one of his hoodies. It was dark grey and had a picture of a half empty glass, with the words "Technically the glass is always full: 50% water 50% air." I chuckled and grabbed it.
     "Thanks Peter, but you don't have too,"
     "No, I want you to have it" he smiled. I couldn't say no to that smile so I started to unzip my stained hoodie, and Peter quickly turned around, blushing probably.
     "I have a shirt on underneath, you dork" I laughed and ruffled his hair.
     "Oh, sorry" he turned back around as I slipped the oversized sweatshirt over my head. It felt warm, like a constant hug. I couldn't help but smile.
    "I'll bring your hoodie back when I'm done. I'll bring it by around-" he cut me off.
     "No, I want you to keep it." He smiled "It looks better on you" Oh no. Why is he doing this? If he keeps this up I'll end up-
     "You ok Y/N? You look worried" Shoot.
     "Hm? Oh... uh yeah, I'm good" I smiled. I mean nothing was really wrong per se, he's just pulling up the feelings I buried deep down in my soul. Its fine, it's great. Uhg, why do I do this to myself? I checked the time again, 5 minutes to make it back to my place, so I could be picked up.
     "Well I have to go, see ya later Peter!" I gave him a hug and ran out the door. I don't know why I hugged him, but I did, and it felt good.

                      Peter's POV
    I felt Y/N wrap her arms around me, I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I hugged her back, until she ran out the door. That was probably for the best though, I was bright red. She's just... indescribable. I decided, though it might be frowned upon, that I was going to watch over her on her way to the interview. I quickly suited up and followed quietly behind on rooftops.
     I followed her for a while, until I realized she was just sitting outside her appartment building. That was odd. What was more odd though, was a really nice car pulled up an out stepped Tony Stark, who began to talk to her. Then she got in the car. Is she going to be an actual intern? Why wouldn't she tell me that though? I pondered these questions until I got a call moments later.
     "Incoming call from Tony Stark"
     "Thanks Karen, Hello?"
     "Hey kiddo! I need you to head over to the avengers facility. We're having an emergency meeting. We have a new member of the team. See you there!" Tony hung up. A new member? Who? It can't be Y/N right? Impossible.

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