Sickness part 2

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", I'm sorry, what?"

"Are you The Blizzard? You know, the superhero?"

"N-no! Why would you think that?" I was incredibly nervous, shaking and sweating.

"Oh sorry..." he examined the thermos and took off the lid sitting it back down onto the coffee table. "Anyways... how are you feeling?"

"I'm... a little better," I smiled faintly

"That's good because..." he proped his feet up on the table causing the thermos to fall off, but my instincts made me freeze it in place so it wouldn't spill, "You are Blizzard!" He shouted.

"Shut up!" I yelled trying to get him to calm down.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were Spider-Man?"

"Touche..." he chuckled a little, "but for real, why?"

I sighed "I don't need you worrying about my safety, or being put in danger because of me, ok?"

He looked down "Oh..." After that it was practically silent for a long time. Just the sounds of the TV and fridge. I picked at my fingernails and started having a sneezing fit.

"A...a...ACHOO!" It just would not stop. Luckily I had some tissues available.

"You ok now Y/N?" He looked over at me after the commotion was over.

"Yeah..." I sighed "Shaken up a little." I chuckled and readjusted myself on the couch. I yawned and stretched my arms.

"You need to rest Y/N, you're sick remember?"

"Yeah, yeah... but I don't wanna," I whine and lay down onto his lap.

"Oh, uh hey there," he gently pat my head and laughed a little, I smiled.

"Hey there" I waved, getting a small chuckle in return. I close my eyes gently drifting off into sleep when I realized what I was doing. I sprung up.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing uh... I just... want to limit physical contact... I don't need you getting sick or anything," I awkwardly laugh and punch his shoulder. He laughs back just as awkward.

"Yeah that, uh, that makes sense. Yeah," we sat in silence again, avoiding any eye contact. I curled up into a ball on the side of the couch and drifted back to sleep.

Peter's POV

"Hey Y-" I looked over and realized she was asleep. I watched her for a little while. Though, I quickly decided that it was was kinda creepy, but I couldn't help but smile. The way she just makes a quiet almost purring sound and squirms a little it just... almost melts my heart in a way.

After a few more minutes I went to her room and grabbed her Doctor Who blanket, her favorite, and draped it over her. I looked around for something to write on and wrote her a note for when she wakes up. I smiled and whispered "Good night Y/N" I walked out the door and headed home.


I woke up at 3 in the morning with a blanket around me and a post it note on my nose.

"Sleep well and feel better soon! - ♡ Peter" Aww! That's so sweet! I smiled and wrapped myself up in the blanket. I was already feeling a little better but not well enough so I drifted back asleep.

A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter was short and uneventful, I'm kind of having some writer's block so I didn't really know what to do with this chapter. I have some good stuff coming though, I promise. So stick around!

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